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Voting Time: Taking Charge-Fun!

Taking Charge Main Character Robyn. Wedding day pictures!                                                                  

This is a short, quick post. We are taking a vote, trying to help Robyn out (and maybe her friend, too. Who knows?)

Vote, please. Which dress is is the worst, the ugliest, the most hideous dress?






  1. Oh what a choice! Think I'd have to vote one!

  2. Number three for me. The bow looks like one from my son's christening outfit. Really?

    1. Hi Stephanie. Christening outfits look much prettier on babies!

  3. I agree with Suzanne! Number one is BAD! The top looks like office wear and the bottom looks like my four year old has hacked it up with blunt scissors! I'm saying nothing about the headwear!

    I have a favourite of the three uglies but I'm not saying!

  4. Number one is the worst, I think. Mind you, they're all pretty awful. Then again, looking back to my first wedding dress... *hangs head in shame*

  5. No 1. Toilet tissue titfer. School shirt. Net curtain skirt. Bowling shoes. It'll never catch on.

    No. 2 is like a large Mexican hat.

    No. 3 - Sun's up, Vampyra, go back to your grave!

    1. You nailed them on right on the head. No. 2 has some kind of weird shoes/boots going on with the Mexican hat. Ole!

  6. Euch, euch, Euchier. Number three has it!

    1. Number 3 IS bad, isn't it. Maybe in some other time...or weird place in history.

  7. Number one for sure. Mind u I suppose u could go straight from the office to the wedding


    1. Getting botox and decaf en route. Not really romantic, is it? Haw, haw!

    2. Sure, it's Day to Night wear. What a fabulous idea.

  8. OK, No 1 is more 'no sex please, I'm busy' than 'take me. I'm yours'. No 2, on the other hand... Not sure the groom would know where to put his eyes, or the guests for that matter. ;) In short, start again, Robyn... please!

    1. I'm with you, Sheryl. Robyn, it's time for a fresh start!

  9. Replies
    1. Hey Crystal. No. 3 is a bad one. Where did it even come from?

    2. LOL! I liked number three!!! The white one!! It's simple, it's cute.. with the little tie around the neck.. :)

  10. We vote for the worst.. Yes?

    Number 1 is 'Numero Uno' for me: looks like she came from the office and put on her best pinny and borrowed the headdress from the Andrex Puppies.

    Number 3 looks soooo frumpy... close run thing.

    But Number 2 well - there is a hint of Can-Can dancer and I do like a bit of Ooh-Là-Là.

    1. Yes, Emma. Vote for the worse dress! I guess if the wedding took place in Las Vegas...

  11. Replies
    1. What's with the weird thingy on the head, right! Thanks for your vote!

  12. I'd have to say #1. Although the others are still ugly in their own special way, #1 is the WORST out of all of them.

    1. They were all ugly if you ask me. Thanks for voting Hannah! How are you doing today? Thanks for visiting!

  13. If someone told me I had to pick one of these to wear, number two would be last on the list. It's the one I'd be least likely to show up in public wearing. That being said, I can get behind number one actually being ugliest. The only reason I pick 2 is because it has a higher personal cringe factor for me. How do you sit down in it without being arrested for indecent exposure? Kinda awful.

    1. I would never be as bold to wear something that revealing in public, either, Laura! Or stupid enough to want to wear it.

  14. I must say that #1 is awful. Okay they're all bad but #1 is the worst.

  15. Okay. I have to put my vote in right here. I can't help it! If I were judging, I would have to pick #1. But truly, they all are just down right comical.

    1. And is that toilet paper on her head in #1? :)

    2. OH, I think it is!I/m trying to figure out if that is a cape hanging down in the back or if the seamstress misjudged the length of the train!

  16. Replies
    1. This one has gotten quite a few votes, hasn't it?

  17. Replies
    1. Which is worse? The hat or the skirt? Or the shirt????

  18. They're all bad, but I have to say #1 is the worst of the lot.

    1. I think we have a winner. Maybe.#1 is pretty bad:)

  19. Replies
    1. Another vote for #1. It's pulling out on top. It just might make it to the top of the Ugly list.

  20. Oh my goodness - well, it's between 1 and 3, no. 2 isn't quite so ghastly. I'd have to say 1 if pressed, but honestly ... what WERE they thinking?

    1. Oh! Hi Linn! Hope your week is going perfect! Anything new in the forecast??? *smile at you*

  21. I vote 1. Hideous! The model doesn't look thrilled to be wearing it either.

    1. Can you imagine what the bride would think? If it is HER choice, then she, well, let's just say we differ in opinion.

  22. I say number one. Even the woman seated and watching from the front row thinks it's hideous.

  23. Ha Ha! I never noticed the onlookers. The look on their faces are priceless!

  24. Eek! I'm going to have to go with number one! Though I must say, it was hard to pick a "winner."

  25. For the love of all things that are unholy, it's GOTTA be one.


  26. Too, too funny. You, know, I think I agree:)

  27. Ick. Definately number one, with number two a close second. Number three just looks old-fashioned to me.

  28. That's a good point. #3 is old fashioned and #1 id ick!

  29. #3 looks like it come from a HORROR movie, but #1 is most hideous.


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