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Buccaneer Blogfest: Wk4: Social Media

What do I think of Social Media, eh?

 Firstly, I love it! It's like getting on the phone and calling a lot of different people, whom I don't know, and chatting with them. It's like gaining new friends while having a back yard party on my computer.

 It's like going to the library and filling my backpack with more books than I could ever read.

 It's fun!
It's exciting!
 It's a lot of work!

Yes, my dear readers, Social Media takes time and energy. Sometimes, it takes money. Even free social media isn't free because of the time invested. Now, this, of course, is for those who do social media correctly. Here's my take on it:

I read an article just last week on Writer Unboxed about being a tourist in the community of readers. I really enjoyed the article and thought about it all week and even through the week end. The thought I took away from the blog post was this:

Be genuine when you post, whether it's an article or a comment. Visit other peoples blogs and website and make friends in an honest way. It's easy to hide behind the keyboard. No one really knows the real you. Like a character in a book, you can be anyone you want to be. But why change who you are just because no one "really" knows you? True friendships are formed through honesty, dependability, helpfulness, an so much more! It should be the same with social media.

Don't just be a tourist, cruising through the social media world. Build a platform. Build friendships. Build a blog where others love to come and visit, sit on the porch with you, sipping lemonade, iced tea or coffee and enjoying your company. Just be sure and return the visit!

What about you? What's your take on social media?


  1. I love the sitting on the porch, drinking lemonade! I agree. Social media is SO time consuming, but it is incredible to build real relationships with people, many of whom are in the same boat you are.

    1. I know Tonya! It is nice to have others to chat with and share stories, the good and bad. It's comforting to know others can feel the same things I am feeling because they are going through the same things:)

  2. I love the new look by the way!! The colors are beautiful and Tonya is right, what could be better than sitting on the porch with an ice cold lemonade or if you're like me, a glass of sweet ice tea with a slice of lemon! How refreshing! And yes, social media is a great way of meeting like minded individuals who are in the same boat or have atleast been there before so they can show you the ropes. Then again, you might be in the position to teach them a thing or two. Great Post!!

    1. Thank you Crystal. Social Media is a funny thing, isn't? Enjoy your iced tea. I like tea and lemonade both. But my lemonade must be fresh squeezed:)

  3. I love this and it's so true, we really should just be ourselves. :)

    1. Yes, because making friends is important and who wants to be friends with a make believe? Thanks for stopping by:)

  4. "Be genuine" Such great advice. So many make the mistake of para-trooping into discussion forums, blogs, social hubs firing off sales pitches.

    1. I know. There is a place for sales pitches, but you have to know the limits and when it is appropriate.

  5. Love it. It's so much fun making friends who share commonality. This little writing community I've had the luck to meet is so much fun. I've learned so many things in such a short period of time, I feel honored to be able to learn from such talented people. I just wish I had more hours in my day : )

    1. If we had more hours, we'd have more time to cruise blogs and make more friends, right? It's amazing how many people I have met that I I have never really met:)

    2. : ) I think what is so incredible about meeting people on this blogfest, is that my friends who don't write, don't necessarily understand all I'm thinking or feeling in regards to my writing. It's so enriching to read that other people have the same fears and feel the same kinds of stress (good and bad) that I do.

  6. Great advice! Thanks for sharing.
    It is a lot of work, but just looking at all of the people I've met simply through this blogfest--it's worth it!

    1. I know I've met some great friends during the blogfest, so I agree. It was worth it.


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