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GUTGAA Meet and Greet!

Hey everyone! I'm taking a quick break from vacation to introduce myself and say hi! I'm really looking forward to meeting everyone and meeting some new friends!
-Where do you write?
I live in a camper. My writing spot? Usually in bed. But sometimes I get a chance to write in the "living room" but that's rare.
When I am at home (yay!) I have my own little office:) I love m space there and I can write during the day light hours. Oh, who am I kidding! That's rare.

-Quick. Go to your writing space, sit down and look to your left. What is the first thing you see?
My husband. Yeah, he sleeps with me!

-Favorite time to write?
At night. When it's quite. Aaahhh. Sweet quite.

-Drink of choice while writing?
Depends on the time of day I get to write. In the morning, coffee, coffee and more coffee. (with Creme Brulee creamer!) Afternoon it's iced coffee. After school, it's Dr. Pepper. Night it's water.

-When writing , do you listen to music or do you need complete silence?
I like classical music. Four Seasons by Antonio Vivaldi is one of my favorites.
-What was your inspiration for your latest manuscript and where did you find it?
I love Fairy Tales, Princesses, pretty dresses,  and all things girls. Why wouldn't I love writing about the same? I decided to find a little known fairy tale and write a story with it as my blueprint. Of course, my story doesn't sound anything like the fairy tale, but I still like it!

-What's your most valuable writing tip?
Write what you love! Don't worry about what everyone else says. Writing from your heart, with joy and happiness will produce the best results:)


  1. Write what you love! Don't worry about what everyone else says. Writing from your heart, with joy and happiness will produce the best results:) - that's an excellent tip. Years ago, I took a writing course, and had to write things I didn't love; it damn near killed my desire to write.

    Great getting to know a little more about you. :)

    1. Thanks Clare! I know. I tried writing what was "popular and trendy" but it just wasn't me and so I heed my own advice and WRITE what I LOVE.

  2. Hi! Hope you enjoy the rest of your vacation! I'm glad you checked in today. :)

    1. Hi Laura. Vacation is over now and I'm suffering from post vacation blues!

  3. Hi! So nice to meet you via GUTGAA. Living in a camper is super cool––I fancy myself something of a nomad, too. Where are you parked these days? Kristina x

    1. I much prefer my house, but for now, it's North Dakota or bust:)

  4. I have always wanted to buy a camper and live at the beach! That would be a dream.

    1. Sorry, no beach at my front door. Soon to be piles and piles of snow:)

  5. I thought I was the only one who wrote in bed. I'm glad I'm not the only one.

    1. Do you fall asleep? I normally don't. I write like crazy when I have quiet time. (aside from the snoring!)

  6. So your husband is fine with you writing when he’s sleeping? I would that would bother him. =)

    1. Are you kidding me? A freight train couldn't wake him!

  7. Haha. I was going to ask the same thing Aidyl asked. Doesn't the tap, tap, tap on the keys keep him up?

    1. If it does, I guess it would be pay back for the snore, snore snore I hear from him! hehe:)

  8. I like classical music as well! :) Nice to see you!


  9. Replies
    1. Hi Angie! Thanks for stopping by and nice to meet you too!

  10. I'm impressed that so many #writemotivation peeps are also doing GUTGAA. I just wish I had been further along with my rewrite so I could join in too. Good luck with it!

    Wishing you a very productive #writemotivation month,

    1. Hi Jocelyn! Thanks for the best wishes for production. So far, I'm hanging in there!

  11. Nice to meet you. I enjoyed your answers to the GUTGAA questions. Traveling by camper has to be a fun thing and full of writing inspiration. Sounds awesome. Also, fairytales FTW!!

    Happy Writing!

    Warm regards,

    Don #138

    1. I hate to tell everyone this, but camper life is so far from inspiration it's not even funny. Maybe I should let all my envious well wishers know the down side of things?

  12. Greetings! I love your blog title and background. Best wishes.

    1. Aww! Thanks! This background is perfect for my feelings right now. I am determined to shot the dreaded query letter in the backside this month.

  13. I love that you write in bed. By the time I get there, I'm usually too tired to do anything productive. Wishing you luck with GUTGAA!!!

    1. H Tracy! I'm so glad we will be traveling this GUTGAA road together. Support, support, support!

  14. Hi Ink! Your blog looks great! I wish my husband would go to sleep before me so I could have some quiet time to write. Have fun during GUTGAA!

    1. Thanks! My hubby falls asleep before he even makes it to bed. So I try and get the kids in bed early enough to have extra writing time:)

  15. Hope you're having a great time! We'll "see" each other around a lot in Sept! :)

    1. Hi Jeannette! *waves like crazy*
      My vacation was perfect and now I am trying to come down from the high. Writing helps...
      Talk to you soon, okay?

  16. Creme Brulee creamer is one of the best flavors ever! Have a great GUTGAA!

  17. Fairy tales and pretty dresses are awesome. I bet your story is great. Nice to meet you.

    1. Hi Jessica! Another girly, fairy tale friend? Yay! Nice to meet you too!

  18. Oh Dr. Pepper! Some may say one cannot live on Dr. Pepper alone, but I say Ha! and crack open another can!

    1. Oh. Yeah. A Dr. Pepper fan is always my friend! Nice to meet you. *cracks open another can*

  19. Nice to meet you! When I lived in a camper, I wrote in my bed too. :)

    1. Campers are so small, it's kinda hard to find a place to write. Except for the bed!
      Nice to meet you!

  20. Night's my favorite time to write, too. I tried waking up at 5 AM a couple of times, and ended up staring at a blank screen for a hour straight.

    1. Me and early morning are not acquainted. Mu husband wakes before the roosters, but I am just getting some good sleep by then:)

  21. Hi there! Nice to meet you and good luck with GUTGAA!

  22. A girl after my own and Dr. Pepper. Yum! =) I think you're have to love what you're writing, because if YOU aren't passionate about do you expect your reader to be excited about it? Nice to meet you! =)

    1. Nice to meet you too! So, let's get together for coffee and Dr. Pepper! We can form our own group with Lily!

  23. Hi. I wish my hubby let me write in bed, apparently its too noisy. Cool background on your blog!

    1. Maybe you can offer your hubby ear plugs? just kidding! Nice to meet you!and thanks for the compliment on my background.

  24. Nice to meet you, is your WIP middle grade? Best of luck with GUTGAA!

  25. No, my WIP is a YA. But I am outlining a MG along the same lines. Not exactly the same, but close enough and definitely a princess!

  26. Hi from another GUTGAA participant.

    I love fairy tale retellings--and not less just because they depart far enough from the fairy tale to feel new.

    Good luck!

    1. Hi! So nice to meet you! Fairy tales are awesome and like you said, retelling make them feel new!

  27. Four Seasons is good music:) I reading things with fairytales interwoven in them. One that stands out to me is Entwined by Heather Dixon which is based off of the twelve princesses tale (which I actually hadn't heard about prior to reading the book). Good luck with your work!

    1. Hi Jenna! I've never heard of Entwined, but now I've got my curiosity peaked and will be checking Amazon for a new book. Like I don't have enough...hehe

  28. Hi, Talynn--

    Noce to meet you. I love Four Seasons. Have you listened to Respighi's Pines of Rome. Very similar in tone.

    Enjoy the rest of GUTGAA.


    1. Hi and thanks for stopping by:) I'm going to download Pine of Rome. I'm sure I'll love it!

  29. I love Dr. Pepper and fairy tales - I'm actually working on a couple fairy tale-related ideas! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm so glad to meet you!

    1. We have a lot in common! Looking forward to this month so much! You go girl with Dr. Pepper!

  30. Awesome to meet you! Thanks for coming over to my blog Kissed by Ink to introduce yourself. I just read your post about your first rejection letter and I totally felt the same way with my first. I wish you lots of luck!

    1. Thanks for stopping by. and thanks for the well wishes. Good luck to you too!

  31. Talynn, noticed the rejection letter post. I got one this week too, and though it's far from my first, I still felt a bit bothered by it. At first. But the thing I think all writers should know is that it doesn't sting for long, and it doesn't mean what you feel it means in the moment. I've had more than one story rejected that was picked up happily somewhere else, and quite enthusiasticallly. Reading is a subjective thing, and though comments can be helpful, rejections should be taken with a large grain of salt.

    1. Thank you so much for the encouragement. I appreciate your kind words. It's a good thing I like salt. But I much prefer sugar!
      Thank you for stopping by and saying hi:)

  32. Stopping by to say hi. Nice to meet you. Love your writing tip. Good luck with GUTGAA!

    1. Thanks so much for visiting my blog! This month is going to be so much fun, isn't?
      See you around!

  33. Thanks for stopping by my blog to say hello :)

    ps. You share favorite music with the MC in my latest finished MS!

  34. Hello from your newest follower! :)

  35. Sounds like we have a lot of the same interests. I like that you have a different drink for the time of day.

    Best wishes back at you. Looks like you have a ton of bloghops going on this month! Good luck! I might need some #writemotivation myself.


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