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Showing posts from August, 2015

Insecure This Month???

As is  quite frequently, I have no Internet today. So I am posting my blog post from my phone.  Yikes!  Hey beautiful guys and dolls! How has your month been?  We've moved twice but have finally settled into a small apartment for the next couple of months. Then we will be moving back home to my house that I missed dearly.  My husband's work travels a lot. A. Lot.  So in order to spend more time with him my children and I travel with him.  We get to see quite a bit of the united states this way. Fun!  This month, I plan to participate in pitch wars.  For those of you who do not know, this is an online contest or unpublished manuscript and unagented writers.  If my manuscript is chosen by a mentor,  I will have the privilege to work one on one with him or her to polish my manuscript and get it ready for the agent around in November. Wish me luck!  This is plenty to be insecure about this month. What if I'm not chosen? What if I'm rejected? What if I'm chosen but