A blood drive? At a carnival? Why not? When characters in certain books need to raise the awareness for the need of blood donations, what better place to host a blood drive? Or booth's host name is Quinn. He is a character out Lisa Fecteau's novel, published by Curiosity Quills. In case you are wondering, he's a Roman Soldier!!!! He's rather, er, different I guess you could say. And it was all his idea to host a blood drive. I'm not for sure who or what organization he's collecting for, but I'm sure it will all be for a good cause. If you want to know more, hop on over to CQ headquarters and get Amy's book!! Photo by Free Digital Photos And so for this blood drive, you really won't be giving blood. But please, give a piece of advice. Any type of writing advice. You're a writer, right? I'm sure you have some kind of advice for new writers, or seasoned writers, too. After all, a writer never stops learning! Let'