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The Kindness Act

What do you do to be kind to others?
Kindness is often over looked because too many people are hyped up on crudeness. That's right. It's true. Who needs a smile or a hug? Why not throw them a smart remark?

NO! I say be kind!

I just received a message from my mom who told me my daddy has been admitted tot he hospital. He went in for a regular check up and his blood pressure was too high to let him go home. They admitted him at once and have given him meds to stabilize his irregular heart beat and bring his blood pressure down.

I live 23 hours away.

What has this got to do with being kind? I don't know.  I was posting the KINDNESS ACT post and this is what came out.

I have received messages of friends and family who are at home supporting my mom. She needs hugs, prayers and support and they are reaching out to her when I can't be there for her. So, this is kindness at it's best. I'm not the one offering it (at the moment) but others are. And this, my friend is selfless kindness when needed most.


  1. :( *hugs* I live in western Canada, and my mother is in the UK. She was admitted to the hospital a while back and had to have blood transfusions and all kinds of scary things happened. She's okay, but it's hard being apart when something happens. Knowing there are people to take care of our loved ones when we can't be there makes it a tiny bit better. I don't know what I'm good at. I try to make people laugh, and cheer them up when they need it most. I hope things get better for you and your family soon.

  2. I know how that is. I live almost a thousand miles from my mom. When my dad died suddenly, I had no idea he was even ill. If something were to happen to my mom, it's a 19 hour drive to her house.

    It's so easy to be kind. I try every day to help someone out. It's what makes the world worth living in.

  3. I can't imagine how worried you must be for your dad and your mom as well but please know that you are doing all you can do at this moment. You are also very fortunate to have so many friends back home and relatives who can help your parents out if needed and also keep an eye on them or atleast go check on them for you. I simply don't have that luxury here. My sister works full time as a nursing assistant, my aunt lives in TN, and my brother has dropped off the face of the earth so that just leaves me taking care of my mom and even with her living with me, I worry about her constantly! Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I hope he gets better soon. There's a blog I'd love to share with you, called 366 Random acts of kindness and you can check them out by visiting them at.... Take care sweetie and know I'm praying for you and your family.

  4. So sorry to hear about your Dad and wish him a very speedy recovery. I am thousands of miles (and a vast ocean) away from my family so I know how horrible it is to be so far away. Glad you have kindness surrounding you and your family.

  5. I'm glad that your parents have friends there to comfort them. I wish him the best and hope he recovers fully.

  6. I'm so glad there are kind people there to help support your parents. That is such a wonderful type of kindness-reach out to others in great need. I hope he gets better asap!

  7. I'm sorry you can't be there and I hope your dad is recovering well. I'm glad there are people there to support your mom, I'm sure she knows how much you care and how much you wish you could be there. I'll be thinking about you!!

  8. I'm sorry to hear your Dad's not doing well. I hope he gets better soon. It's nice to know there are others out there that your Mom can count on. I'm sending kind and get well wishes your way. :)

  9. So sorry to hear about your dad. I always think when something like that happens it puts so many of our daily gripes into prospective. Sending you *hugs* and thoughts. And I agree a few kind words can mean so much to someone and keep them going.

  10. I so agree with the above posters, wishing your dad a quick recovery.

  11. My dad was sick last weekend and refused to go with the paramedics when my sister called for him. He's not 23 hours away, but may as well be. I hope your dad gets better.

  12. I'm sorry to hear about your dad. What is his condition now? I hope he is recuperating quickly. I've said a prayer for him. xo

    As for what I do to be kind, I try to lend an ear or a word of encouragement when I can. I try to remember important dates in people's lives and celebrate their victories, big and small. I don't always succeed at this, but I try. ;-)

    Blessings to you and yours...


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