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I Didn't Make It.

It was my own fault. I sent my submission at 4:01 but in my excitement and severe concentration, I failed to remember the one hour time difference.

Yes, I am pouting. Yes I am upset. I really worked hard on my new query and I had butterflies in my stomach when I hit the send button. I actually cried when I realized I was an hour late.

For whatever reason, it was not meant to be. My sun will shine one day.


  1. That's the outlook I'm trying to go with. If it helps, I sent mine right on time and missed out too. (even after setting my alarm for both 1am and 6am)

    1. It doesn't feel good, but with nothing else to do, I guess I'll smile and keep wishing! I'm sorry about you not getting in, either.

    2. Thanks! But it clearly wasn't meant to be. Aw well.

      I left you a little something on my blog which will hopefully make you smile!

  2. I'm sorry. I would have cried too. That really stinks...

  3. I'm so sorry! It's usually me that's left out due to slow button pushing. I swear, I've missed out on at least half a dozen contests because I can't get the timing right on sending. :(

    1. I like contests where you just sign up and take a chance. The waiting and wondering with limits give me ulcers from the panic and worry. hehe!

    2. Funny, because I am almost universally despised by the robots that select contest winners from a large pool of entrants. Rafflecopter hates me, so does the Authoress Bot, and many others. I've perfected my timed button pushing to compensate. :D

    3. I'll start working on that button pushing perfection:)

  4. Replies
    1. I know, but I'm trying for another in the coming months!

  5. Oh no. That's terrible news.
    I've also done that (who hasn't, right?). Although, the last time, I was a whole day out. Like submission was their Friday, so that made it my Saturday, then I got Saturday stuck in the brain and thought it meant it'd be my Sunday ... *facepalm*

    Here's hoping for next time for you. ^_^

    1. And it stinks when that happens. I really wanted to make it into this round, but for whatever reason, I didn't. I went through a couple of things trying to get post today. I plan to share it with everyone later...

      Best wishes to you, too:)

  6. Sorry to hear that. If it's any consolation, being 4:01 instead of 4:00 on the dot might've been enough too, even with the right time zone. My morning one went out at 11:02 (9:02 my time) and didn't get in. There's also the pesky matter of whether the clock on your computer matches the one on the other end.

    Go do something that comforts you. You deserve it.

    1. Well, I went swimming. There were palm trees, clear water and the drinks with little umbrellas in them. Then, my three year old daughter jumped in, plashed me in the face, and wok me from my daydream...

  7. That really stinks. I'm sad to hear it. One time I entered a Fine Arts contest. I wrote a short story, and scored high enough to go to Nationals. We put off calling about it though, and when we finally did the deadline for signing up for Nationals was already over, by a few days. :P

    Don't worry. It didn't go to waste at all. Now you have query letter and an improved premise to send out to whoever else may ask for it. And someone will. Just keep at it. And most importantly keep writing! We each have our big "One Day..." It will happen!

    1. Thank you, Ashley. That's so sweet of you! I know you are right. So I will wipe my eyes and move forward. I'm going to find my list of favorite agents right now. Thanks:)

  8. Sorry to hear you are so disappointed. I agree with Ashley, though. Now you have an awesome query that has received feedback, etc. This means you can now query your dream Agent(s). Contests are cool and all, and can be a way in the door, but a strong query speaks for itself. If your query has improved (and I'm sure it has) then you have already won. But I know it sucks right now to feel like you missed out, so eat a cupcake or whatever makes you feel better and then send that query out to your perfect fit agents. Good luck.

    1. Peanut Butter Milkshake. and tomorrow, its Starbucks:) Thanks so much Shell. That is sooooo sweet of you! I needed cheering up:)

      And Heather, I agree. It is very good advice!

  9. I'm sorry:( That sucks. But you are right about fate, your turn will come. You sound like you know how to get out of a funk and move on.
    :) Rachel

    1. I try to, anyway. Sure it's sad at first, but yes, life moves on to a new day, right? Right!!

  10. You know, it is all luck. And not making it this time just paves the way for a better next time. I swear, even though it is so cliche, I think things are meant to be in this business, and your time is on its way. Hang in there. Hugs.

  11. I'm sorry! Darn the time difference.
    It won't be your only chance though.

    1. Yes, there will be more opportunities. I'm not giving up. I've only just begun:)

  12. I've been there, being left out is frustrating, hell the entire query/contest/trying to get published thing is frustrated. We aspiring authors need a lot of endurance. There will be lots more opportunities though!

    1. It's very frustrating. And I'm already looking for other opportunities:) thanks for the encouragement A. J.:)

  13. Oh what a shame, I'm sorry for you. As others have said though at least you have a super awesome query to move forward with. Don't be too sad it might be your time on the next submission or contest.

  14. Hate that when it happens, but there will be another chance. I'd send chocolate, but I ate all of mine.

    1. I've got plenty of chocolate if you want me to send you some:)

  15. Oh no! I'm so sorry. I hate when stuff like that happens. :( Better luck next time.

    1. Thanks Rachel. I'm hoping to make it in the next time!

  16. Oh, man! That's horrible. I totally would've done that, except I'm lucky to live in the same time zone as most of the contests. At least you didn't send something that wasn't ready. Besides, there'll be other chances.

    1. The different time zones can be a pain to keep up. I shouldn't pout, really. At least my time was obly one hour different. I know actually had different days!

  17. I am so sorry you didn't get in. I sent mine in right on the dot at 11:00 in the morning but I didn't get in. So then I stayed up until 10:00PM my time (Europe) to try for the second window. I did manage to get in, but I know so many people didn't. There have been many other contests I didn't make it into and I know how hard it it -- it feels like a missed chance. In this business, it can be discouraging to look at the statistics of how many writers actually get published so I tend to ignore them. I have to believe I will be in the 3.8% of writers that will be published someday, but when something like this happens, it seems even further away. I wish you all the best and hope you get in the next one you enter! :0)

    1. Thanks Cheryl. I'm determined to make it into that 3.8% too!

  18. Keep going though! I was excited about entering a screenwriting comp which looked really good but I couldn't format my script in time, so I missed the deadline. It was frustrating, but there's always next time:))

  19. You're right, it is frustrating. But I NOT giving up. You go girl, right?!!!!


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