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Blog Appreciation

Why do you blog? Is it for fun? For sharing information? For finding friends? To have something to do? Why? Do you love it? Why?

I guess to the blogging world, I am a new blogger. I started this blog 2011, but didn't really get into the swing of things until May. I am fast approaching 10,000 pageviews and guess what???

I now have 200 followers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Starting on Monday, I'll be hosting my own party and Blog Festival! It's going to be in honor of my BEAUTIFUL FOLLOWERS! Yes, that's right! It's in honor of you!! There's going to be prizes and fun:) Oh, how I wish this could be more than a cyber party, but alas! We will have a virtual celebration!

I hope you all except my invitations, which will be going out Monday!

It's going to be fun.
It's going to be happy.
It's going to be fabulous.

and I hope you will join!
One quick note. If you follow my blog and don't have a link in you profile that takes me to your blog, please comment here and let me know where I can visit your blog.

Yes. I will be visiting everyone who follows Ink in the Book and I will have a little something to give you.

So, if you don't follow, go ahead and join. It's not too late! You can still join my party:)

And please. Don't forget to vote for my EVER BLOG HOP. The official title is Ghosts (and the girls who love them) Simply scroll down a couple of posts to the one that is entitled EVER BLOG HOP and cast your vote in the comment section.

Click Here to vote.

Don't forget to comment and tell me why you blog!


  1. I'm always up for a party! Woo hoo! Congrats on all the lovely followers!

  2. Par-tay! How exciting! Umm... I don't know if there is a link to my blog (and it annoys me when people don't have it because I can't follow back). How would I go about checking that out?

    1. Hi Heather! Yours has the link for your blog:) I checked!

  3. Congrats on making 200 followers! Look forward to you being part of Get Your Pitch On. Would you please email me so I can send through your details: smjohnston[@]

    Such a cute blog!

    1. Thanks Sharon! I emailed you:)
      I'm glad you like my blog:)

  4. Wow! That's a lot of blogs to read! I'll be sure to post something interesting for you to read. Then again, I try to do that on a regular basis, with varying degrees of success. It's mostly a fun little writing outlet for me when I have more to say than will fit in a tweet, but less than will fit in a novel! :D

    It's also a motivational tool, since I blog my word count, page count, etc. It keeps me working so I'm not publicly shamed by my readers for slacking off.

    1. Thanks Laura! I always find something interesting to read when I visit your blog:)

  5. Congratulations!!!
    And you can visit two hundred in a day. I did it last Wednesday. And I bet you read faster than I do as well.
    I began blogging to build an author platform.
    I now blog to support my online friends.
    Oh, and to amuse!

    1. 200 in one day in a lot! I'll probably divide mine up into a week long celebration!

  6. Congrats on gaining 200 followers, I love a good party.

    1. I know, me too:) I hope to make my party a lot of fun. Because without my followers and those who visit silently, there wouldn't be much fun in blogging:)

  7. I'm already a follower, and your party sounds fun. Thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday. I'm off to read your story and vote. Best luck to you.


    1. Thank you Lois! I hoping you have the best success with your writing entry! Keeping my fingers crossed you place first:)

  8. Congratulations on 200 followers! I wish Wordpress allowed the Google Friends Connect thing in the sidebar, so I'd know how many real followers I have. They lump in my Twitter followers and FB friends for some reason, so my number of followers appears a lot higher than it really is.

    1. Hi Carrie Anne! I am super excited you joined my blog! I read your blog on a regular basis:)

  9. Hmmmm. Why do I blog? I've never been able to keep a journal going for more than three days, but I love writing down my thoughts. I have more incentive to keep going if I know other people besides me will be reading them. Yes, I love blogging. It's relaxing for me.

    Congrats on the 200 followers! That's a big deal. :)

    The virtual celebration...actually sounds like more fun to me than an "in-person" one. The idea of socializing isn't fun for me. Virtual is much more fun. lol

    God bless!

  10. I blog to connect with like-minded folks. Love the blog, extra adorable. :)

  11. That is amazing that you have so many followers. I've been blogging since Dec. 2010 and only have just over 100 followers, so you are awesome! In answer to your question on my blog about the WIP widget, there are several out there. I can't seem to find where I got mine, but here is a link to a blog with the HTML code available to copy:
    If you want the HTML code I used, shoot me an email at shell0flower (at) and that's a zero between shell and flower.

  12. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I blog to make friends and to get support and just to share my thoughts.

    Congratulations on 202 followers!

  13. I posted a reply to you on my blog-I'm having major technical difficulties casting a vote :(


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