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Sharing Some Good News

I've been so busy lately, and I feel like maybe I have neglected my beautiful blog, just a tad bit. I'm having a hard time trying to figure out how to balance my time with my family, writing, editing and blogging. Then there's social networking that need to be done in an effort to let my followers know how much I appreciate them. And THEN there's the small matter of visiting new blogs and making new friends.

Anyone else ever feel overwhelmed with keeping the balance balanced?

On a side note, I wanted to let you know a wee bit of exciting news:

I got a request from an agent! Only a request, but still, it's a request!
I joined a contest a while back. I didn't win and thought that was the end of it.
BUT, I got an email from the agent asking to see not one, but TWO of my manuscripts.

How exciting!!!

Any good news from you??
How do you balance your time, without feeling overwhelmed?

Have a great and glorious weekend my friends:)


  1. Ink, that's awesome! Congratulations.
    Balancing everything can be difficult, and nearly impossible if you're still trying to do everything. Some things you just have to let go. I look back three years and I can't even remember what I gave up for blogging and writing.

    1. Thanks Alex. But I HAVE to balance some things. If not, who do I let go? My kids? Dinner? The Laundry? Yes!! I choose option C!!!!!

  2. First comment, and first CONGRATULATIONS on getting your agent requests! Thanks for joining the Follow-Swap Blog Hop too. I wanted to follow this blog because you post a cool range of stuff and lots of blog hops etc, but is Google Friend Connect your only means of following, because I don't have it. :( I'd love if you followed Beyond The Hourglass Bridge and told me how to return the favour.:)

    1. Let me check and see. For tech stuff, I have no clue! Just let me write...

      I'll hop over to your blog and follow. It thought I did that when I joined the hop, but sometimes my brain doesn't function properly:)

  3. Congrats on the requests! That's so awesome! Best of luck to you on that.

    Yes, it is difficult to balance all of those things. I'm not even sure you can balance them, but maybe you can. I know I haven't figured it out yet.

    1. Maybe we'll figure it out soon. If not, I may go mad. Wait. It's too late for that:)

  4. Congrats on the request. That is so exciting and yet another reason to enter contests, even if you don't win, you might still win :) As for balance, yeah, it's a real problem. I still haven't figured it out.

  5. Its quite a task balancing everything, I guess planning it all properly is the best way to get everything done. I find my evenings are best for creative stuff, I get limited time being a full time mum. Ironically, I've got more creative things done thanks to motherhood. BTW, congratulations on getting a request from an agent!:))

    1. Thanks Claudette. for visiting. How have you been?
      My creative time comes at funny times, too. Being a mom has lots of opportunities, doesn't it?

  6. CONGRATS ON THE REQUESTS, INK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*throws confetti*

    1. I needed so confetti! I used all mine at an earlier celebration:)

  7. Congrats on the request and good luck! And, yes, balancing it all is HARD.

    1. Thank you Linda. I wonder if they make balances that are weighted on one side?

  8. Congrats on the great news. I'm pushing myself to submit some short stories this week to competitions. Nervous but keen.

    1. OOOO Charmaine! I'll be sending you some good wishes this week! I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

  9. Congrats - that's awesome. I am trying to accept the feeling of being constantly overwhelmed as just normal. I'm not sure it's going to get better.

    Fun background.

    1. Maybe that's why so many of us writers need more relaxation and vacations?

      Thanks! I like the background, too:)

  10. Yay yay yay! Congrats on the request!!! That's so exciting!

    And to answer your question, I have not yet learned how to balance my time properly...but maybe one day I'll figure it out :)

    1. Thanks so much Alex! I can't wait t hear back from her!

  11. Hi, congrats on the news - well done! I'm now following thanks to Katherine's Blog Hop.

    1. Hey there! Thanks fr the follow! I'll be over to follow back:)

  12. Such exciting news, congrat's -- good blog too, and yes feeling overwhelmed by it all means a definite break is due. :)

    1. Thanks a million, Yolanda:) I do need a break as there is fixing to be all craziness on my blog. There will be so much going on in the next few weeks, it's going to be wild:)

  13. Congratulations on the request, that is awesome news.

    Here from the Blog Hop!

    1. Nice to meet you Donna! and thanks for visiting! and for following. I'll be hopping over to your blog soon:)

  14. Oh that's so awesome, congratulations I'll keep my fingers crossed for you! It's a great boost to your confidence when something like that happens especially when it's unexpected. I agree balancing things is so tricky sometimes. I feel neglectful this week as I have had visitors and a busy week at work and my daughters birthday ... you get the picture! Going out for a nice lunch in a bit so at least I don't have to cook today.

    1. Oh Suzanne! I'm sorry to hear about you hectic week. I hope this week is better. My son has a birthday this week, too:)

  15. Congratulations on the request! It's definitely hard to balance things - I'm currently editing a manuscript whilst finding great new blogs (like yours!)

    1. It's so nice to meet you! Thanks for visiting my blog:)

  16. YAY! Congrats :) Balance is soooo hard.... I had gone a few days without writing because of all the other stuff I had to finish.l but I'm back to writing and cramming more things into my schedule :)

    1. Life can be so busy sometimes, it can drive a person to craziness. But I guess busy can be nice because that lets me know I'm needed somewhere!

  17. Congratulations on the requests! I had three requests recently, for two manuscripts, but got two rejections. I'm at least happy these came from contests and not querying, since I haven't really had much success at contests (I suspect because I write in a less-than-hot genre).

    1. I love the writing samples I've read of your work. And I love historical fiction. I hope to see your manuscript in print someday so I can read all of it!

  18. Hey Ink, I found another really nice WiP progress bar. Check this one out:

    1. That's so sweet of you to comeback and let me know! I'll let you know which I go with, okay?

  19. so so proud of you , hope you win so i can say i have an author for a daugher in law

    1. Thanks Wanda! You are awesome and a wonderful mother in law:)

  20. Replies
    1. Thanks Kelly! I'll keep everyone posted as to the results!

  21. Replies
    1. Thank you! And thanks for visiting! Come back whenever you get a chance. It was nice meeting you:)


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