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Reader Appreciation: You've Been Inked!

I know I am tired when I have to look up how to spell appreciation, and still struggle getting the letters to form right on my screen:)

I've been waiting so long to throw my big celebration party!!!!! It's finally here and I'm going to be sooooooooooo busy the next few days. I have entered a ton of contests and workshops and I am totally looking forward to each one. They are all going to be positively AMAZING!


This post is not about me! It's about YOU my dear friends. For without you, there would be no need for Ink in the Book, would there?

Now, the lovely and dear Heather over at Into the Cuckoo's Nest, gave me the reader appreciation award. But who wants to hear about, ME, again? So I have decided to mix things up again and kick off my big party by appreciating every follower and reader of Ink in the Book. I know. I know. I'm supposed to list seven random things about myself, but I am going to ask my readers, that's YOU, if you would kindly leave a comment with a random fact about yourself.

I plan to highlight different followers every day for the next few weeks, until I have appreciated all of you:) It may take a while, but does that matter?

Today, I chose Heather because she honored me with the Reader Appreciation Award first. She said super nice things about me on her blog. And because she follows Ink in the Book! I created this award and I give it to my favorite people, for whatever reason I want. So, Heather. Guess what?

You've been INKED!

Don't forget to comment below with your fact. To start things off, I'll go first:

I scared to death of mice. Positively, absolutely terrified.

What about you?

ps. on a small note, if you haven't had a chance to read my Ever Blog Hop entry, or vote for it, Take a look at it just a couple entries below. It would mean A LOT to me. Thanks!!


  1. I'm Rachel and I have a lightning bolt shaped scar on my stomach. I have been blogging since March 2011 :-) and I love reading your posts!!

    1. Nice to meet you Rachel. I'm Talynn, and I've been blogging here at Ink in the Book since February of 2012.
      I read you blog, too, and enjoy your obsessions and top tens list:)

  2. Fact: No one knows that I am a secret inventor with a few projects ongoing.

  3. Oh my God, thanks you big cutie! And getting inked is my favourite part of the day :)

    I've already randomised myself one hundred and one times on my blog BUT considering I'm a pretty random person I could definitely go one more.

    I LOVE finding pop culture references in anything and everything I do.

  4. Talyn! You're a breath of fresh air! Always and I love your blog!! Not sure I can say anything about myself that I haven't already said on my blogs but I will try.. :)To be random here! (it's not really that hard! ;))

    Let's see, my big toe is bigger than my other toes... when I'm mopping the floor, I usually dance around like an idiot singing along to Lady Gaga's "You and I!" Also, I'm obsessed with hobbits and fairy tales! HAHA! Hows that for random??

    *giggles* Take care Talyn and congratulations for the award!!! You are very faithful and loyal to your readers. Something I think we can all admire!

    1. Thank you Crystal. You make me blush.
      And when I mop the floor, I usually cry, not sing.

      I *love* fairy tales, too.

      Thank you for the awesome compliments!

  5. You're also totally awesome!!! And fun!!!

  6. I'll give my stock "random facts" answer: I'm a triplet born on Leap Day! And as a kid, I LOVED mice. They were my favorite animal. I had several pet mice, and I used to carry them around in my pocket. Weird, I know. :P

    1. Triplet? Wow! How fun!! and do you celebrate on Feb. 28 or March 1?
      And mice for pets freak me out terribly bad!

    2. I celebrate on whatever is closer to the weekend ;) Or I try to drag my birthday out for the entire week if possible!

  7. Talyn and Mara, speaking of mice, I saved a little feeder mouse once from being eaten by a big hungry python!! The people at the pet store thought I was nuts but they thought what I was doing was very sweet, even gave me some free food to go with it and a discount on the rest of the purchase! I named him Charlie!

    1. While I could not watch a python eat a mouse, I wouldn't save it. Although, once I sat a watched a mouse creep up to a mouse trap and i couldn't watch. I hate them, I'm scared of them, and yet watching their destruction is not cool for me.

    2. Awww that's so sweet! We found a baby deer mouse once on our living room carpet (named him Ruggles) and nursed him back to health. Then one day he vanished from his cage and was never seen again...

  8. Awesome! That's a well-deserved award.

    Can't stand clowns. Sorry. Just can't. :)

  9. What an awaresome idea. Random fact - I love ballroom dancing, particularly the waltz. Can't wait for Strictly to start up next month.

    1. Have you ever watched Dancing With the Stars? Ball Room dancing was my favorite dance:)

  10. Random fact? Hmm, I am deathly afraid of spiders, and have woken from a deep sleep twice in my life to find one crawling across my face. Both times I captured the beast!
    I can't dance but when a spider lands on me or near me, I do a spider jig that would impress, if not cause a laugh riot.
    One Halloween, my sons placed a plastic spider on the stove that had me screaming and crying in fear. They did not find it as funny as they thought it would be. ;)

    1. The fear from your spiders is what I experience with mice...

  11. Congratulations!
    Country music makes my skin crawl.

  12. Congratulations on your award!

    Random fact: Even at 32 years old, I love stuffed animals and have a whole menagerie of them. At the moment, I'm sharing my bed with a gigantic stuffed frog named Simon.

    1. What's not to love about stuffed animals? My favorite is puppy dogs.

  13. Hi! I just found your blog through the blog hop. Loved your entry - totally creepy. :) I just started my blog last week, so I'm trying to get the hang of this.

    Random fact: I have a red birthmark on my right heel/ankle that I forget is there (I mean, how often do you look at your heel?) and in the summer I always get freaked out when someone screams, pointing at my heel "OH MY GOD YOU'RE BLEEDING!" I immediately start looking for the blood to be like, "Oh right. That. It's a birthmark."

    1. Hi So nice to meet you and glad you stopped by! I'll be over to visit you new blog shortly!

      It's funny how people get all excited about your birthmark! My daughter has a "strawberry" mark on the bottom of her foot. No can see it, though!
      Thanks for stopping by!

    2. It happened today! I was walking to work from the train station and someone said, "wow, you really bruised your heel!" ::facepalm::

      Glad your daughter's is better hidden than mine is.

  14. I love this! Hmmm, okay, I eat chicken fajitas three nights of the week, every week!

    1. Hi Donna! Well, we eat Mexican at least 3 times every week, too. Sometimes more!

  15. Hi Lynn!

    Sorry for posting this here, but I couldn't find an email address on your site!
    Just wanted to thank you for leaving a comment on my blog under the Taste of Fear contest. I mentioned I would give away five copies of the book. And since only 8 people left comments, it was easy to pick the winners! lol
    Anyway, if you can send me your email, I can send you a Kindle version or whichever you prefer?


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