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Memorial Service...The Azalea Assault Book Tour

Today, we have come together to remember quite the ladies man. Born Jonathan Jacob Georges 38 years ago this glorious summer. He is survived by his sister Margo and his mother Margaret George. Many of his friends and acquaintances have signed the guest book and we thought it only appropriate to view some of these high quality, gracious and kind remarks left by some of those who knew Jean-Jacques the best.

From Jessica Flavors: "Well, I know how much he loved to goose, I mean how much he loved geese. They were his favorite pet."

From Philip Arnelds: "He wasn't much on drinks, you know, unless they were the "adult" kinds. No sir. He wouldn't touch those weak drinks at all."

Old high school friend, Gracey Felps: "He had such a loving heart. He loved the ladies, you know?"

Hometown tax collector, James Lance: "He knew how to handle his money in such creative financial ways. He never really needed much tax advice."

Granny Hiyallmyers: He was a spirited rascal, that's for sure."

And last, but certainly not least, we have scrounged around and got our hands a hold some of Jean-Jacques best photos. Well, we were told he took these photos anyway. Enjoy his last masterpieces.

May he rest in peace...



  1. teehee--very cute! Thank you for posting this!

  2. Okay, so was it meant to be significant that the rose picture focuses on the bee's bottom??

    Sounds like quite a character Hart. Lots of fun reading between the lines and imagining exactly what kind of man he was. :-)


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