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CQ Author Lisa Collicutt Interview!

Boy, does she have a story to tell:) Her first book by Curiosity Quills! I really enjoyed my interview with Lisa. She reminds me a lot of myself. You can feel the excitement bubbling off the page. She is from the lovely Nova Scotia. I forgot to ask her about Anne of Green Gables. I can't believe it! I am mad at myself. I loved Anne. The books, the movies, the characters and the "starry violet eyes."

 I am sure you will find Lisa's book enchanting. I know her interview is amazing! By the way, I was told by a little birdie this is Lisa's first interview so can we give her a round of applause? (((cheers)))

 We've got some balloons for you, Lisa.

*drum roll, please*

1. My first question is not *really* a question, technically. I want like to know about your journey to becoming a writer!

Different times throughout my life I wanted to be a writer, but I didn’t quite know how to go about it. I’ve always had a wild imagination that kept me amused during school and church, but I didn’t know how to free it from my mind and put it on paper.

Now here’s the part I swore to myself I would never tell another living soul – but you won’t tell anyone, right? I read a little novel called Twilight. Maybe you’ve heard of it? As I turned each page, I prepared myself to be scared out of my wits by an evil vampire that would jump out of the pages and drain my blood, well obviously that never happened. Instead, I found a tender tale of forbidden love, and I knew right away I wanted to write in a similar style. So I traveled to the dark and twisted corner of my mind – it wasn’t a difficult journey, and pulled out my first story. Once the vault was opened, the stories marched out like a parade. I haven’t found any vampires lurking there yet, and I’m not really looking, but I did come across some witches, angels, demons, and other magical beings, which I’m working on now. My official writing journey started about four years ago and hasn’t stopped yet!

2.  Did you send queries out to agents or other publishers before Curiosity Quills?

Yep. I compiled query after query, and I received rejection after rejection. But I never gave up, because I knew I had stories worth reading, and I was determined to pass the first phase of acceptance. I wanted this BADLY! So after endless amounts of gruelling query research, I finally came up with a couple that passed the test.

3. Tell me about the process of approaching Curiosity Quills. Were you nervous? How did you get the news they wanted to publish your work?

CQ and I sort of stumbled upon each other. Their acquisitions editor, *ehem* “loved” my book, (thank you surrounded by a big giant heart) and the rest is history in the making. The moment you get the email that says, “We are going to offer you a contract,” well, the feeling is really indescribable. You know then, the journey was worth the price of fuel. And in my case, the fuel was missed time with family - life in general.

Although I’m not as social around the water cooler yet as other CQ Authors, I sorta feel like family there already.

4. Can you tell us just a little about your hero and heroine?

Oh, I’d LOVE to! I mean, doesn’t every parent love talking about their children?

Brooke Day is 5’5, with long dark hair and hazel eyes that appear green when she cries. In Boston, she was a popular, fashion conscious teen, but since moving to the Village of Deadwich, and becoming the “new girl” she has more on her mind than matching her shoes with her eye shadow. Her worst fear is the dark. She’s suffered many nightmares, but none like the ones that attack her in Deadwich. She has a secret past or two she doesn’t even know about – yet. And just the sight of her new guy interest makes her melt inside.

Marcus Knight (did you connect the last names yet?) He’s taller than his twin brother, Evan. His dark hair flips at the collar, and his eyes turn from bitter to milk chocolate, depending on his mood. He smells as fresh as laundry hung outside on a cool day. And he’s as swoon-worthy as any hero. He’s a country boy who falls for a city girl, and he also has a past he has yet to discover.

5. Where did you get the inspiration for your story?

The Gathering Darkness was inspired by an old inn that once graced the coastal village where I work. The story sprung to life after glancing at a picture of the Hackmatack Inn in a book of old photos. I also drew inspiration from walking through the village each day on my way to the post office. Although Deadwich is a fictional place on the North Shore of Massachusetts, it’s a carbon copy of my own village on the South Shore of Nova Scotia.

Thank you, Lisa! 

photo courtesy of Flickr/Creative Commons


  1. That's one of the best things about small pubs. It really does feel like family.

    1. Thanks for commenting Elizabeth. And family is wonderful, aren't they?

  2. Congrats In in the Book! I've passed along the Liebster blog award to you. Stop by my blog to check it out!

    1. Oh my goodness, Kimberly! Thank you! I'm on my way over to look at it right now. Woot! Woot!

  3. Thanks for the interview Lisa! It really does feel like a family at CQ.

  4. Awesome I interview here Ink! And it was so nice to find about more about a fellow CQ author! Hi Lisa can't wait to hear more about your book :(

  5. I know, doesn't her MCs sound I-can't-wait-to-read interesting?

    1. A big thanks to Talynn for the interview, and the balloons, and there was probably cake but you all ate it yesterday...right...that's what I thought;)
      I loved the questions. xo

    2. And it was chocolate cake too! It was goooooood. mmmmmm! I saved you a piece!

  6. Yikes! I'm a day late to celebrate my interview. And there's balloons and everything!
    Ahh, I can't believe I bared my soul about that Twilight thing. Ah well, the truth is out :)
    As for Ann of Green Gables, well her character is from Prince Edward Island - a lovely place to vacation. And as many times as I've been there, I've never gone to Green Gables *scratches head*.
    Thanks heaps everyone, and I'll see you around the CQ water cooler.

    1. Oh I know about Prince Edward Island:) Nova Scotia is just so close I figured you would know about one of my favorite characters:) I can't believe you have never visited! I would in heartbeat, if ever given the chance!!
      thanks for answering all those questions and don't worry. Your secret is safe with me! I won't tell a soul:)

    2. Oh, and don't worry. You were not late for the interview. I just posted late last night!

  7. Yay, another CQ author. This is an amazing bunch of girls. So awesome :) So lucky to be a part of it. Great work, Talynn! :) x
    Just a quick edition - you may want to turn off automatic - are you a robot verification. Just to make commenting easier. :) x

    1. I agree with the turning off the spam thing. Makes commenting harder. Half my comments get eaten while I'm failing miserably at entering the hard-to-read codes.

    2. Okay. I'll turn that thing off.I didn't do it on purpose. I am just not too techie:)

  8. I LOVE BROOKE AND MARCUS. Oh, minor fangirl moment over. I really heart you, Lisa. I feel like we've been through so much together. You are kind at heart, hard working, honest, and you go above and beyond for your fellow writer. Thank you for stumbling into my life--I mean onto CQ. <3

    1. Shucks *sniffle*. Thanks for laying out another path to where the grass is greener (and I don't mean money) I heart you too♥♥♥

    2. So sweet. I know I'll find a friend like that one day. Hey, how did you make the heart thingie??

    3. ♥ Just copy one of my hearts and paste it :)I copied one from something on FB.

  9. Congratulations Lisa!

  10. Great interview. YOur books sounds just delightful, and so does your hometown--can I come visit;-) Soooo haPPy to meet another member on the CQ Family Tree! ~cheers

  11. I'm stopping back for Lisa's interview. I LOVE that her tale starts with Twilight...haha! I actually read that all the time!! Congrats on the two books coming out Lisa!

    1. I bet a lot of writer's journeys began the same way ;)

  12. GREAT Interview Lisa! Can't wait to read your work!

  13. An author of remarkable imagination, Lisa really understand the importance of getting it on the page while its hot and top of mind. She has a seemingly endless energy for letting it flow. May the tap never dry up Lisa, so bring it on for all your fans present and future. We wait with baited breath for all that you have to give. So proud of you...Carol Reynolds.


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