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Mandy Baggot: Taking Charge Blog Tour

I know how everyone has been waiting for this tour and it has finally arrived. So are you ready for a great, great week? If not, you better eat your Frosted Flakes, cause it's going to be GRrrEeeAaaT!!

Mandy Baggot has made it to the top of Amazon Best Sellers and now she has agreed to spotlight her book right here on Ink in the Book. Read about it right here!

What?? You've not read Taking Charge yet? You better stick around here all week long because we are going to open Taking Charge and give you a shadowy glimpse of inside the covers of the awesome author's book. Now, if you don't know the first thing about Taking Charge, after this week, I hope you are so intrigued after this week you go straight over and buy this book!

Here's what we have in store this week.

1. A cute little contest.
2. Taking Charge Dictionary from around the world and other unusual places.
3. Most romantic and worst case scenario of where you met your mate.
4. Interview with Mandy
5. Contest winners and prize awards.

Contest? Everyone loves a contest, right? Especially when there are prizes. (speaking of prizes, I do have the winners from previous contests and will be making an announcement this week about who the winners are and what their prizes are. Stay tuned...)

Here's the details for this week's contest:

Below, I have posted a scrapbook page from a friend of Robyn's (Robyn is the main character in Taking Charge. Yep, you will have to read the book to get the details.) Yes, it isn't the prettiest dream wedding I have ever seen, but to each his own, right?

Robyn's friend wants help! Actually, she needs help, wouldn't you say? Let's offer some suggestions and help her out? Want to? Just comment below and tell me your idea. On Friday, I will post a new scrapbook page based on your ideas and we will vote on the winner. What will the winner receive?

An idea book and a small package of scrapbook materials. YAY!!!!  Let's get the contest going, shall we? Who's in?


  1. Is the guy in the stripes Dick Van Dyke?! Yuk, yuk, yuk! I think we need to see some more subtle colours in there!

    Thank you for hosting this fun week Tammy - I hope your followers will have a great time with it!


    1. Thanks Mandy. Fun fun, right? Dick Van Dyke? How funny!
      Hope your week is great!

  2. Or else get Chitty Chitty Bang Bang in there and go the whole hog! I can see where you're going with the red white and blue theme, but ... um, tone down the red possibly? And the blue? White's cool. The Alice in Wonderland look though, not so much. Otherwise, perfect. Ahem.

    Love it! Well done, Tammy/Mandy! :) x

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Oh, yea, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. Mary Poppins would have loved this wedding theme, you know? Thanks for visiting today. Hope to see you around this week:)

  3. Not sure about that wedding dress! Sounds like there's going to be lots of fun going on over at this site this week. Hope to catch up as often as possible. I loved this book, Mandy is a fab author and this book was a great read. Have a fab week both of you, love Kim xxx

    1. Mandy is, indeed, a great author. Her writing will is soooo good. Easy to read, easy to follow, and just, well, great!
      Thanks Kim for visiting today!

  4. LOVE the flowers and the cake but the outfits....?! A makeover is required for the wedding party I think!!

    I'll be popping back to see what's happening here and read Mandy's interview, when I'm not too busy reading Taking Charge, of course!

    1. Enjoy Taking Charge, and let us know if you finish this week! Visit again real soon:) You don't want to miss anything:)

  5. Of course the red, white and blue has that All American feel and also a Jubilee touch to it. Perhaps we need to have something slightly more regal - a Prince William and Kate touch perhaps? What do you think?

    1. William and Kate? Great, great idea!! Wasn't their wedding fabulous:)

  6. Love the cake, not sure about the blue roses??? Great feature, great theme, what a brilliant idea. Good luck, can't wait to see the results... My thoughts: men to wear blue, ladies in red, bride in white. Flowes white and red, table decorations in shades of blue. Oh, and please include red-white-blue M&Ms among the snacks, they are just the best!

    1. Red whit and blue MM's would be lovely, not to mention delicious. Okay, love these ideas, too. I'll get busy planning a new scrapbook page. I've got several to work on already this week! Thanks for visiting today!

  7. I personally would ditch the red, white and blue color scheme. Yes it's patriotic, but that's exactly what it looks like. The 4th of July. Even if you get married on the that holiday, keep the spirit in the holiday, not your wedding. So, why not go with a red theme, alone, with touches of black? Very classy, very elegant.
    As for the wedding dress, did it come from the Mayflower? Or Alice in Wonderland, as on person already said?
    The bridesmaid dresses are retro, so they may work, if you like that look. Hey, it was in when I got married. So 80's! But it WAS the 80's.

  8. I'm with Nicky, the blue roses must go. They're awful and unnatural. :) I like Karlie's red and black idea.

  9. Blue roses just don't sound right to me, either. Maybe all white, or even all red?

  10. Oooh, a bit of a colour explosion ... depends on skin tone of course ... on the otherhand everyone could just wear sunglasses! Have a great week ladies, love it!


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