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Sapphire Star Spectacular! Author Linn Halton

Linn's newest book, The Restaurant@ The Mill calls for a blog tour all about food! What better way to celebrate food than with an outdoor BBQ with family and friends!

Today, I need my readers to post a comment and let me know what you FAVORITE BBQ is! We are kicking off a family BBQ and it's happening allllllll week long so we are posting fantastic recipes, fun games and whatever you can contribute to our gathering.

Today is BBQ faves!

I hope you lovely readers and followers (and especially Linn) will please forgive the short postings. I have something very personal I am dealing with that is emotionally draining. AND my MacBook is sick and so while it is at the doctor, I am borrowing a laptop. Needless to say, all my "stuff" is on my sick Mac. So please be patient with me this week. It's going to be a long week...

I need your BBQ!! How about it?
Hamburgers, hot dogs, chicken!!!


  1. Love hamburgers... brats...teriyaki chicken! Ooh- and pork souflaki kabobs! YUM!

    BTW - love your blog! It's so colorful and happy!

    1. Thank you Leigh. I change my template on a regular basis. Sometimes too regular! I have been out of the loop this week, though. I'm so glad you took the time to stop by anyway. Hopefully things will get back to normal soon!

  2. What I like to do is make baked potatoes and brats. Here's what I do.

    I cut a V wedge out of the potato being careful not to cut through the skin. I salt and pepper it, salt with garlic salt, and then add a generous amount of butter. Then I replace the wedge and rub the squished out butter all over the outside of the potato. Finally, I wrap the tater in aluminum foil and place it on the coals.

    When it is done, I open the foil and place my favorite cheese on top until it melts, then slap a brat on top and eat it.


    1. Thank you Jeremy for this delicious recipe. I am trying this next BBQ we host!

  3. Give me a bit of everything! Burgers, sausages, chicken, kebabs, add to that rice, potato mixed with bacon, onion and garlic, salad. And wash it down with some cold beer or chilled wine! Pass some sun over to the UK though because we are short on that right now :)

    1. If I could push the sunshine over I would. It has been unbearable hot here, even in the freezing state of North Dakota! Thanks for the ideas. Love these:)

  4. I'm not a meat fanatic but I do love my Bratwurst (be sure it doesn't get blackened). And if there's cold beer on offer, I like a beef burger extravaganza: a beef burger with everything. Melted cheese, pickled chili peppers, a lettuce leaf, a thin slice of tomato, mayonnaise, mustard, bbq sauce, tomato ketchup. Bacon, if you're really pushing the boat out. All of that on a white sesame bun please, with baked potato on the side. yum!

    1. I love hamburgers from the grill. That's the best way to eat a burger. Yummy!

  5. Anything BBQ rocks my world. I especially love brisket! Umm:)

    I really hope the personal things going on in your life are okay! Please let me know if there is anything I can do. HUGS!

    1. Thanks Deanna. It's been a long week and one I will be glad to see come to a close.

  6. Well, I think the chef would have a thing or two to say - and I think it would have to be a big, fillet steak with onion rings and coleslaw on the side ....

    Fab fun and you ALWAYS come up with something different! Thank you so much for being a fab host and I can't wait for everything to unfold ... now I'm hungry!

    1. Hi Linn. I am so sorry this week was not my best offering. ALL my things I had looked for and saved and created for the BBQ is on my other computer. I had planned this so long ago that no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't find where in the world I found the great stuff on the Internet. I had it all stored in my folder...

      Anyway, the week's not over, yet:)

  7. No problem, just feel for you! Had a major computer blip myself two weeks' ago and my website was done for about 3 hours after a standard update went wrong! I'm off on holiday today for two weeks but will get online as often as I can. Let me know how it goes! Thank you for the hard work - sending you 'lucky' vibes ....


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