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Insecure Writers Group


Hello. My name is Talynn. I'm new this group. Honestly, I didn't think I would need to join the first time I saw this button on another blog. Forgive me, but i do not remember wher. And then, I got smart. I realized I could use all the encouragement possible. Because, well because, rejection and loss hurts. Yep. It does.        

Somewhere along the way my faith wavered. Really, it comes and it goes. Some days I feel like I am on top of the world. Some days I feel like I am under it. Some days I even feel somewhere in the middle.

Because I am new in the industry and because I am still trying to figure it all out, I have buttoned up my coat, put on my insecure writer shoes and hope to find someone to walk this journey with me. Sometimes, we might run together. Sometimes we may crawl. Sometimes, we may need to carry the other on our shoulders. But that's okay. That's what friends are for.       


  1. So many ups and downs, right? One of the ups....the wonderful supportive people I've met along the way. You're one of them. ;) Great post.

  2. It's amazing how many wonderful friends you have the opportunity to meet in the blogging world. One encouraging word is all that is needed sometimes.
    Thank you for visiting. (((hugs)))

  3. Couldn't have said it better myself ;) Truly. So many ups and downs... and sometimes we do need to carry others, and sometimes we are the ones that need the emotional support, but this writing community is that awesome. ;)

    1. Oh! I also meant to thank you for signing up for the "What If?" Blogfest! It's going to be a blast! :D

    2. You are welcome. I am looking forward to it! I love bloghops like this one! Thanks for stopping by:)

  4. You are so right about how rejection and loss hurts and how wonderful finding support is. And sometimes you find it when and where you least expect it. It's still an amazing journey, isn't it?

    1. Yes it is! I love this journey. No one said it would be easy, but I also know it is easier with support:) Thanks for visiting and commenting today:)

  5. Hi :)

    Just popping by from the IWSG :)

    Oh honey, I think we all feel like that! Writing, and the idea of actually doing it seriously, as a career, is VERY SCARY! :)

    The way I look at it now is that it's a journey. There will be huge ups and major downs, but I can learn from that, grow, and move forwards.

    It's a ride honey :) Take from it what you can and move forwards :)

    Good luck xx

    1. What a scary ride. You got that right! Thanks for oyur encouragement. I needed it:)

  6. Encouraging words - we all need these from time to time as writing can be a lonely business where you have to dig deep within yourself which even though you love it, it can be utterly exhausting too.

    1. Exhausting in body and spirit. Sometimes is just gets hard, right? But one thing for sure. When someone smiles on you, it lifts the spirits which is all that is needed:)

  7. I'm often amazed and touched at how supportive the online writing community is. Never feel afraid to ask other writers and bloggers for help or advice, and when you're in a position to share and help others, I know you will - writers love to connect :)

    1. It's a give and take industry. I am usually on the giving end. I try to be any way. Boy! It sure feels good to receive, though! Thanks so much for the encouraging words!

  8. I defo get how you feel. I've just started writing myself and sometimes I confuse myself with all the ups and downs. But you're right, great post :)

    1. It's a roller coaster ride, isn't it? Just hang in there. We can stick together!

  9. Ah, but an entertaining, throw-up your hands kind of ride. :) Love the stars and stripes on your blog background, quite lovely!

    I just posted my IWSG post and will spend the day, leisurely visiting others. I absolutely love this part!

    1. Thanks! My template changes sometimes on a weekly basis.

      You know, i never throw up my hands on a roller coaster ride. I'm too busy holding on for dear life!!!

      I'll stop by your blog soon!

  10. Since I started writing, and looking for writing advice online, I've been overwhelmed with the amazing support the entire writing community shows to new writers. The publishing community in general seems to be filled with the most welcoming, helpful people I've ever met. Yes, it's an emotional yo-yo, but everywhere I look, there are people telling me it's okay. I've met some fantastic people online.

    I'm constantly surprised by everyone's willingness to offer a kind word and a little sympathy when I'm down, and a hearty congratulations when I'm celebrating. We're all on the same journey. The road runs smoother when we work together. I LOVE YOU PEOPLE, WHOEVER YOU ARE! :)

    1. I know! Isn't it great. Just fantastic! Thank goodness for friends, even ones you don't know and have never met outside of commenting on blogs. Strange, isn't it?

  11. Amen!!

    We all have our ups and downs and we could all use a little friendly encouragement and show of support!

    Coming together, that's what it's all about!!! Lovely post!

  12. I loved your analogy. We all need support, that's why we blog and make friends with other writers.

    1. Thanks Gwen! Isn't fun to make friends while blogging?

  13. Lovely post and indeed it's why we blog and make friends and seek out fellow writers.

    My first IWSG, good to be part of this group !

    1. Welcome, and thanks for visiting my blog as you start on this supportive journey. I'll stop by your blog soon!

  14. Definitely! The writing community is very supportive. :)

    1. And isn't it amazing how the support comes right when you need it the most?

  15. Rejection is always tough, but every failure is a yellow brick on the road to success. Hang in there and keep at it! Welcome to IWSG.

    J.W. Alden

    1. Oooo, so I'm one step closer to success and one step further away from that first rejection. I like that thought:)

  16. Welcome to IWSG! I know what you mean about the ups and downs. It is definitely a rollercoaster. Best of luck in all your endeavors!

    1. Thanks Kaye! Even though they scare me to death, I love roller coasters. As long as they aren't too wild.

  17. Great first IWSG post, welcome to the group. Don't forget to relax and have fun along the way.

    1. Oh yes, it is a fun journey. Thanks for the reminder!


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