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Buccaneer BlogFest: Wk 2 Day 3 Aww-Ha Moment

Ahoy Matey's! Today in the Buccaneer BlogFest, it's time to share an Aww-Ha moment. These could be some really long posts, but I will try and keep in simple, short and sweet. Try, I said. Okay I said try...

My first series, which is my family saga, had it's beginnings when I learned my family arrived on the shores of America as indentured servants. As the plot thickened, I learned about the French Privateers who "rescued my greatest of all Grandpa's and some how he arrived in America free, but not free. Another part of my family was banished form their country for religious beliefs only to come to America and find themselves shunned and sent away, again. Add to this crazy mix my family actually established and founded the town of Hazard, Kentucky, the Aww-Ha moment happened not so suddenly. All this history was just waiting to be written down! Daniel Boone's sister married my Indian side of the family and when I discovered Daniel Boone's sister husband family was royal and my family descended from an Indian Princess, (who was actually born in England. It's a long story full of excitement!) well that just sealed it for me!

My second series is all about good vs. evil, right against wrong, beauty against ugliness. My aww-ha moment for this? Soul Driver, the first in the series, actually came from something I studied during my family history research. Soul Driver is a real term that came about when the convicts were sent from all over Europe to the New World. When I read about them, I was hooked! The *name* Soul Driver was my aw-ha moment here!

I'm making my rounds to read all your entries. Can't wait to see your inspirations!


  1. I love that your own family history inspired your stories! It sounds fascinating and complex - a perfect combination!

  2. They sound fascinating! I haven't written any 17th-18th century American historical in almost 20 years, but I've reached a point where I'm ready to go back to it in the near future. Your family's story sounds like just the kind of thing I'd love to read, and great inspiration for my reawakening interest in those eras.

  3. Sounds so awesome! I was completely addicted to last year. I'm related to John Wilkes Booth! Haha great. I love historical fiction, and your story sounds like it will be really exciting.

  4. This is really interesting! Reading about your family history is as exciting a synopsis as I've ever read.

  5. I love hearing how other people got the ideas for their stories! And family genealogy is always fascinating.


  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Family histories are awesome. Isn't history filled with awesome nuggets like that? plus to understand how your own personal history weaves in and out of it is awesome!

  8. I don't think many can beat your family history... that is some fantastic inspiration right there! And some of the best stories are based on real historical facts. I've never heard the term "Soul Driver" before, but now I'm extremely curious to learn more!

  9. Are you related to the Dukes of Hazard? What a cool family story and also a really great Aww-ha moment. Sounds like you have an amazing family "vault" from which to draw treasure for writing. And yay Graphics Fairy!

  10. Thanks for answering over on my blog :) I love stories about country folk. My brother-in-law's family is totally the type to go get a gun over a chicken. LOL.

  11. WHOA! Now your family has some super awesome history. Cannot wait to hear even more about it. :) So glad I am a follower. :) (double smile if I could)

  12. wow that family history really BEGS to be a book! Such a wealth in characters and setting. Really look forward to reading more!

  13. Wow, awesome family history! No wonder they were some cool aww-ha moments. (: Cool!

  14. What a great post - the idea of your inspirations coming from family research are awesome. And I agree... the words Soul Driver are fantastic.

  15. Nice posting and also your writing of your family heritage. Enjoyed reading your posting.

  16. That's a pretty spectacular family history. Such great inspiration. I love to hear where others get their story inspirations from.


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