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Preview #2 for OAI

If you are visiting to sign up for Operation Agent Ink, visit

THIS post: Sign Up

For those already signed up, Please comment below and let me know:

1. Are you starting the workshop with only an idea?

2. Is your manuscript already started and needs finishing? If yes, how far along are you?

3. Are you signing up for the editing and revision process?

4. Would like a weekly mentor/CP just for the workshop?

5. Will you only be using the workshop for the daily tips, suggestions and the creative inspirational help?

The workshop is open to anyone who is interested in the writing process. You may sign up for the workshop without joining the pitch opportunity! BUT in order to take part in the pitches, you MUST take the workshop.


The workshop will consist of several posts each day. Feel free to visit once a day and grab all the info at one time if needed. As soon as sign ups are over, I will be setting up a schedule according to what the readers want.

They will be labeled:

Novel Writing From the Beginning
Novel Writing: Wading Through the Middle
Creative Inspiration
Revisions and Edits
The Submission Process
Agent Interviews and Thoughts

Under investigation by

First creative assignment:

The theme of the workshop is OPERATION- think not only detective style work, but also, someone call the doctor, my novel needs help!

Come up with the most creative names for the schedule, and we'll use your ideas!


  1. 1. Are you starting the workshop with only an idea? No

    2. Is your manuscript already started and needs finishing? If yes, how far along are you? Yes, about 3/4

    3. Are you signing up for the editing and revision process? yes

    4. Would like a weekly mentor/CP just for the workshop? yes

    5. Will you only be using the workshop for the daily tips, suggestions and the creative inspirational help? No, but I will check in daily.

    First creative assignment:
    Operation Help I've Procrastinated and I Can't Finish My Novel.

  2. 1.No, but I may have ideas in mind.

    2.See #3

    3.I have a completed MS in the process of revision and editing.

    4.A weekly mentoring session sounds interesting, what does it consist of?

    5.No not only for those reasons, but I look forward to those aspects as well.

    Again, thanks.

  3. 1. pretty much, it's a fleshed out idea but mostly just an idea.

    2. no

    3.sure, if this idea doesn't kill me first

    4. maybe

    5. that is definitely the main reason I'm signing up. but I'd like to participate as fully as possible.

    First Creative assignment: I lost the plot

  4. 1. Are you starting the workshop with only an idea? No

    2. Is your manuscript already started and needs finishing? If yes, how far along are you? Yes, about 1/4

    3. Are you signing up for the editing and revision process? yes

    4. Would like a weekly mentor/CP just for the workshop? maybe, not quite sure yet

    5. Will you only be using the workshop for the daily tips, suggestions and the creative inspirational help? No - I'm in it for the whole shebang!

    First creative assignment:
    In keeping with the "operation" theme, the parts of the schedule that are for getting the novel ready could be "pre-op", the writing process could be "the operating table" (or something), and the querying process or pitching could be "post-op." Sorry, it's early in Russia :P

  5. 1. Are you starting the workshop with only an idea?

    2. Is your manuscript already started and needs finishing? If yes, how far along are you?
    Completed MS going in for yet another tweaking.

    3. Are you signing up for the editing and revision process?
    Yup. ^_^

    4. Would like a weekly mentor/CP just for the workshop?
    Er ... Maybe ... would need to know more on that before I go definite.

    5. Will you only be using the workshop for the daily tips, suggestions and the creative inspirational help?
    Not just for that, no.

  6. 1. No

    2. No

    3. Yes

    4. That would be flipping awesome!

    5. Mostly yes. No pitching for me this time

  7. 1. No
    2. Yes, several scenes and the first several chapters are written. But tons to go :)
    3. Yes.. oh,yes.
    4. That would be great!
    5. Nope, I want to completely dive into this.

    I can't join in until the 4th, is that okay?

    1. Oh, forgot name ideas: Inspiration Rehab, First Aid for Edits... ug.

    2. The 4th will be fine! You can just catch up with what you missed then!

  8. Hi, sounds like you are going to be super busy with this but I wanted to let you know I have awarded you the Reader Appreciation Award. Deets over on my blog, although I quite understand if you don't have time to collect at the moment you still deserve it!

  9. Hi again! questions:

    1. No, I've got words already.

    2. I'm 58k into it, but eventually it will be about 100k.

    3. I'm sure I'll be able to apply some of the workshop to editing/revising the previous MS I finished.

    4. I already have a few CP's, so I think I'll stick with them for now. We'll see how it goes. :D

    5. I'm signing up for the ideas, but also the camaraderie of diving into writing with a bunch of other folks, and learning and sharing with each other. It's strange, but for a solitary activity, writing sure is easier and more fun when you've got company! :D

    1. Silly, replying to my own comment, but I forgot about the Operation name! To me, the Operation in question is some sort of tactical military adventure.

      How about calling the schedule the Operational Dossier? It has a little bit of a detective/spy feel to it.

  10. 1. Are you starting the workshop with only an idea?

    Pretty much. I've written the query, named the characters, titled the book, researched the setting, and am in the process of plotting the chapters (funny, because I'll probably end up being a pantser, as usual).

    2. Is your manuscript already started and needs finishing? If yes, how far along are you?

    I've written the first page.

    3. Are you signing up for the editing and revision process?

    Not for this WIP. Can I for my completed ms? Are we allowed to do more than one project?

    4. Would like a weekly mentor/CP just for the workshop?

    Yes, please!

    5. Will you only be using the workshop for the daily tips, suggestions and the creative inspirational help?

    I will use the workshop for these things...and more!

    Operation name suggestion: Operation-Code Red
    (suggests an emergency in process, ha ha)

    Thank you for putting this on! I look forward to it! =)

  11. 1. no
    2. no
    3. yes, it could always use some revisions.
    4. yes, please
    5. That and more
    Operation Resuscitate the Manuscript? Sorry, I'm not being very creative, am I? if i think of something better I'll come back!

  12. 1. Are you starting the workshop with only an idea?

    No, though I have some ideas for future books that don't involve characters I've been with for years and years and years.

    2. Is your manuscript already started and needs finishing? If yes, how far along are you?

    I've got tons of completed manuscripts, in various levels of having been edited and revised. Most of the finished books are in three interconnected series, and the others are in two separate family sagas.

    3. Are you signing up for the editing and revision process?

    Yes, in part.

    4. Would like a weekly mentor/CP just for the workshop?

    That would be helpful, so long as it's not someone from the school of thought that says you have to nitpick and criticize everything, without saying what you did like. (Had a pretty bad experience with a would-be beta.)

    5. Will you only be using the workshop for the daily tips, suggestions and the creative inspirational help?

    No, I love getting the chance to network with other writers.

  13. 1. Are you starting the workshop with only an idea?

    After much hand wringing, back and forth deciding - Yes. I am going to use one of my ideas for a book.

    2. Is your manuscript already started and needs finishing? If yes, how far along are you?

    See #1

    3. Are you signing up for the editing and revision process?

    That too.

    4. Would like a weekly mentor/CP just for the workshop?

    Would LOVE to have weekly mentor.

    5. Will you only be using the workshop for the daily tips, suggestions and the creative inspirational help?

    yes. Hopefully I can get a full MS completed (again). I have three MS completed, in various stages of revision completion. Will use this for those MS.

  14. 1. Barely more than an idea. I have 1K words written, but I'm thinking about scrapping them and starting over.

    2. See question 1.

    3. No. Too soon into my novel. Can I use it for a completed one?

    4. That would be awesome!

    5. Not just for those reasons, but I will take advantage.

    1. Yes, you may use the workshop however beset fits your needs:)

    2. Okay, since I'm the difficult student :P and switching books, I need to change my answers:

      1. No
      2. The novel is already completed
      3. Yes
      4. Yes
      5. Not just for those reasons.

  15. 1. Are you starting the workshop with only an idea? No

    2. Is your manuscript already started and needs finishing? If yes, how far along are you? Yes started, hoping to be done by end of Nano. Will at that point have two WIPS needing editing.

    3. Are you signing up for the editing and revision process? YES

    4. Would like a weekly mentor/CP just for the workshop? YES

    5. Will you only be using the workshop for the daily tips, suggestions and the creative inspirational help? I will be seeing what's happening and joining in what I can!

  16. 1. Maybe starting from the beginning, if the wish lists inspire me...
    2. ... or working on my half-finished WIP.
    3. Yes, editing and revision, too.
    4. I already have critique partners, but a mentor sounds intriguing. Who would the mentors be?
    5. No, not just for the tips and so on, but those sound great, too.

  17. 1. Are you starting the workshop with only an idea?

    I have many ideas, but for this specific workshop I have already started working on my manuscript.

    2. Is your manuscript already started and needs finishing? If yes, how far along are you?

    I have quite a ways to go before I finish it, but I have started.

    3. Are you signing up for the editing and revision process?

    Yes and for the agent pitch.

    4. Would like a weekly mentor/CP just for the workshop?


    5. Will you only be using the workshop for the daily tips, suggestions and the creative inspirational help?

    I will be using it for all that is offered, not just for those tips and so on. It is the very first workshop I have joined and I am excited!

  18. 1. Are you starting the workshop with only an idea? No

    2. Is your manuscript already started and needs finishing? If yes, how far along are you? I'm just about finished. A few edits here and there when I think of them.

    3. Are you signing up for the editing and revision process? Yes

    4. Would like a weekly mentor/CP just for the workshop? Okay.

    5. Will you only be using the workshop for the daily tips, suggestions and the creative inspirational help? I'll be using them for that too.

  19. 1. Are you starting the workshop with only an idea?

    2. Is your manuscript already started and needs finishing? If yes, how far along are you?
    I've got a first draft being read by a small group of wonderful betas.

    3. Are you signing up for the editing and revision process?
    It could help, but I hope to get more out of this workshop than that.

    4. Would like a weekly mentor/CP just for the workshop?
    I'm interested in more information on this.

    5. Will you only be using the workshop for the daily tips, suggestions and the creative inspirational help?
    I will take away any help and advice and knowledge I can glean, and hopefully can give some in return.

  20. As for workshop titles, I have always been utterly useless at titling things. So I have no suggestions. I get an F for the first creative assignment.

  21. 1. No. I have one MS ready for a first round of revisions, and another WIP.

    2. One, yes. The other is started, but not far along - first chapter.

    3. Yes.

    4. It sounds interesting. I'd like to know more about it before I say yes for sure.

    5. No, but those will be nice as well.

  22. 1. Are you starting the workshop with only an idea? No.

    2. Is your manuscript already started and needs finishing? If yes, how far along are you? No, it's finished.

    3. Are you signing up for the editing and revision process? Yes please.

    4. Would like a weekly mentor/CP just for the workshop? I would love to hear more about what this involves.

    5. Will you only be using the workshop for the daily tips, suggestions and the creative inspirational help? Not only for tips and suggestions, I'm hoping to get more out of it.

    Creative Assignment:
    (Note: Complete Randomness Ahead)

    Crimes Committed Against Pacing and How to Combat Them
    Protagicide: Ways to Kill Reader Interest in your MC
    Operation Slice - How and Where to Cut Scenes
    Query Forensics: What to Include in a Query
    The Pitch is a Serial Killer (of Writers)
    Disecting Dialogue: DOs and DON'Ts
    "Love at First Sight" in YA, the Agent Diagnosis
    Under the Knife: Cosmetic Surgery to Make your Book Beautiful (to Agents)

  23. 1.No, I have already started my manuscript. I am going back and editing and cleaning up certain parts and completing the ending.
    2.Yes, I am pretty much still in the beginning. But am getting motivated to get it finished.
    3.I would like to, yes.
    4.Yes, that would be awesome!
    5.Of course!

    1. How do you know you were accepted into this? and when it starts and all the details? is this to follow?

      I am currently in NJ and don't have power due to the hurricane.

    2. I posted a list of classes today. And sorry I didn't let you know, but your name is on the sign ups!
      I hope you get your power back soon:(

    3. Thanks! :( i hope i do as well!

      The classes are what is listed above right? Just what the names will be not the actual class itself? as the classes haven't started yet.

      When do you also find out if you get a mentor, who it is, how it works? That's to come also right?

      Sorry for all the questions i just don't want to miss out on anything specially because i can only check in once a day at most seedcase of my power situation....

    4. No problems!
      The classes and how everything will work is listed on the post entitled "Operation Agent Ink Classes" I just posted yesterday! Hopefully, that will answer your questions. If not, please let me know!

  24. 1. No.

    2. I'm just a few chapters from the end.

    3. Yes.

    4. That sounds fantastic.

    5. Definitely!

  25. 1. Are you starting the workshop with only an idea? I have a little more than that. I have all the research done on the background, legends, setting, etc, character sketches, and an outline.

    2. Is your manuscript already started and needs finishing? If yes, how far along are you? I had about 8,000 words finished but the plot underwent major changes and I changed the tense so I'm starting over.

    3. Are you signing up for the editing and revision process? I'm signing up for everything you have to offer. I'll take all the help I can get. :P

    4. Would like a weekly mentor/CP just for the workshop? A mentor sounds interesting. I'd like to know more about that.

    5. Will you only be using the workshop for the daily tips, suggestions and the creative inspirational help? I'm planning to re-start this novel for Nano, revise it and if all goes well, pitch it. I'm hoping the workshop can help with all of the above.

    As for the workshop titles, I'm afraid I'm there with Alys. Titles have never comes easy for me. I think I get an F on this assignment too. :P

  26. 1. Are you starting the workshop with only an idea?
    No, I have a definite idea in mind.

    2. Is your manuscript already started and needs finishing? If yes, how far along are you?
    I've completed this manuscript once, took some of the chapters to a conference, rewrote most of the beginning and middle, took it to another conference, and am now paring it to the bones and restructuring it. Right now, about 35K into it.

    3. Are you signing up for the editing and revision process?
    I think that would be lovely.

    4. Would like a weekly mentor/CP just for the workshop?
    Er, I don't know. I've got a critique group, and I'm taking a class that also involves this WIP, so every assignment gets "editorialish" notes on it. I'd like to know more about the mentors, though.

    5. Will you only be using the workshop for the daily tips, suggestions and the creative inspirational help?
    Well, I'm restructuring this novel, and I want to work on it intensely during NaNo. So, I guess the answer there was no, I will not only be using it for the inspirational help.

    Hmmm, workshop titles... Operation Edit?

  27. 1. No
    2. Yes. I have 4K words written thus far - from two random chapters.
    3. Yes.
    4. A mentor sounds interesting, yes. What does a mentor do, exactly? Do they also supply crits? I have critique partners, but I doubt they'd be able to crit on a weekly basis.
    5. No, not just for the tips. I want to take advantage of the entire "operation"

    First Creative Assignment- Operation Novel CARS: Create, Assess, Revise, Submit.

  28. As I said before, I'm in, I need some fresh eyes on my new WIP-

    1. Are you starting the workshop with only an idea?
    No, I've got near-complete manuscript. It's a MG adventure/mystery that's currently around 45,000 words.

    2. Is your manuscript already started and needs finishing? If yes, how far along are you?

    Over halfway in, but I plan to get to the end in a couple days.

    3. Are you signing up for the editing and revision process?

    YES! I seriously need help here. I'm ready to work HARD.

    4. Would like a weekly mentor/CP just for the workshop?

    Yes please.

    I don't have any CPs who are free over the approaching holidays (Nov-Dec 2012).

    5. Will you only be using the workshop for the daily tips, suggestions and the creative inspirational help?

    No, I want a shot at the pitches!

    Pitching is a FATAL weakness of mine. But I'm as ready as I'll ever be to face that fear. But I'd appreciate the inspirational aspect, though.

  29. 1. No
    2. I am working on completing edits of a full manuscript.
    3. Yes! I would love to get my manuscript completely agent/publisher ready! :)
    4. Sounds wonderful!
    5. I'll definitely be taking in all the lovely tips and other info, but I'm also interested in making sure the manuscript and query rock by the end of the workshop!

  30. 1. Are you starting the workshop with only an idea?

    The work I'm using for this workshop is complete but it may help with the novel I have planned out for Nano.

    2. Is your manuscript already started and needs finishing? If yes, how far along are you?

    Done (in edits), and the other is about 500 words in.

    3. Are you signing up for the editing and revision process?

    Hell to the yeah.

    4. Would like a weekly mentor/CP just for the workshop?

    Hmm... I could be persuaded... I have two CPs already but I also have a whole month off work coming up.

    5. Will you only be using the workshop for the daily tips, suggestions and the creative inspirational help?

    I'll be using all those things and more. The plan is to be ready to go for the pitches in Feb, and get some insight into those mystical agent-creatures....

    1. Oh! And for a title? I kind of suck at them (hence the reason I haven't come up with any of my novel ones) but... my attempt is: Operation: One Last Cull.

  31. 1. Are you starting the workshop with only an idea? No. I've got an outline.

    2. Is your manuscript already started and needs finishing? Yes. If yes, how far along are you? First couple of chapters

    3. Are you signing up for the editing and revision process? Yes.

    4. Would like a weekly mentor/CP just for the workshop? No thanks.

    5. Will you only be using the workshop for the daily tips, suggestions and the creative inspirational help? Yes.
    Thanks so much for doing this.

  32. 1. Are you starting the workshop with only an idea?

    An idea and some rough plotting.

    3. Are you signing up for the editing and revision process?

    Yes, once I've finished the first draft.

    4. Would like a weekly mentor/CP just for the workshop?


    5. Will you only be using the workshop for the daily tips, suggestions and the creative inspirational help? Not only those things. I want to experience it all if I can. I truly appreciate the hard work that must be going into this!

  33. 1. Are you starting the workshop with only an idea?

    Right now, just an idea. I will be doing a lot of writing in November

    2. Is your manuscript already started and needs finishing?

    Yes. If yes, how far along are you? Still working on chapter one at this time.

    3. Are you signing up for the editing and revision process?

    I'd like to, please

    4. Would like a weekly mentor/CP just for the workshop?

    No, not at this time, but thank you!

    5. Will you only be using the workshop for the daily tips, suggestions and the creative inspirational help? I would like to see how this workshop runs. If all goes well, I'd like to experience as much as I can. I work full-time, so my time is rather limited. I will check in as often as I can to see what is happening around here!

    Thanks for running this workshop!

  34. 1.No.

    2. The manuscript is finished.

    3. Yes, I am signing up for the editing and revision process.

    4. Yes, I would like a weekly mentor.

    5. I will have to see how much it will benefit me.

  35. 1. No.
    2. 50% done
    3. Yes, that's always needed!
    4. Absolutely!
    5. Will try, but will depend on time.

  36. 1. Are you starting the workshop with only an idea? No

    2. Is your manuscript already started and needs finishing? If yes, how far along are you? My main ms is nearly finished but might need some editing. My NaNo ms is in its beginning drafting stages.

    3. Are you signing up for the editing and revision process? yes

    4. Would like a weekly mentor/CP just for the workshop? No, I have plenty already.

    5. Will you only be using the workshop for the daily tips, suggestions and the creative inspirational help? No, but I will check in daily.

    First creative assignment:
    Operation Help I Don't Know What My Novel's Missing

  37. 1. Are you starting the workshop with only an idea?

    2. Is your manuscript already started and needs finishing? If yes, how far along are you?
    No. Yes. It all depends on which novel I work on. I have one I am querying but not getting anything from it. I have one I've started but am stuck on. It'll probably be that one.

    3. Are you signing up for the editing and revision process?

    4. Would like a weekly mentor/CP just for the workshop?

    5. Will you only be using the workshop for the daily tips, suggestions and the creative inspirational help?

    Suggestion for First Assignment: Bent Not Broken

  38. 1. Are you starting the workshop with only an idea? Nope.

    2. Is your manuscript already started and needs finishing? If yes, how far along are you? Yes! I am about 1/3 of the way done.

    3. Are you signing up for the editing and revision process? Definitely.

    4. Would like a weekly mentor/CP just for the workshop? Love one!

    5. Will you only be using the workshop for the daily tips, suggestions and the creative inspirational help? Not just. But will certainly take advantage of those things.

    First Creative Assignment- Brain Surgery: Getting into your Character's Head

  39. 1. No.
    2. It's more or less done, but I need to integrate a new theme/subplot and crank up the volume generally in a few areas.
    3. Sure.
    4. That would be fun.
    5. No-looking forward to networking and whatever other trouble I can get myself into.
    Operation-Bionic Manuscript
    Operation CPR (Conceptualize, Polish, or Revise)
    Operation Joan Rivers (Plastic Surgery for your MS)
    Operation Devo Crack That WIP

  40. 1) sorta. :) I have an idea and a little prewriting/outlining ideas
    2) see #1
    3) I would love to have editing/revision help.
    4) absolutely! A mentor would be wonderful
    5) no. I would Like to participate fully.

  41. 1. No

    2. Yes, a bit over 6000 words.

    3. Yes, please.

    4. I'm thinking so, I'm wondering how it will work.

    5. I believe so, this month I am doing PiBoIdMo.

  42. 1. Are you starting the workshop with only an idea? No.

    2. Is your manuscript already started and needs finishing? If yes, how far along are you? First draft completed.

    3. Are you signing up for the editing and revision process? yes, definitely.

    4. Would like a weekly mentor/CP just for the workshop? Not sure, but I don't think so.

    5. Will you only be using the workshop for the daily tips, suggestions and the creative inspirational help? No, I'm all the way in and want to pitch at the end :)

  43. 1. Are you starting the workshop with only an idea?
    2. Is your manuscript already started and needs finishing? If yes, how far along are you? Two rough chapters.

    3. Are you signing up for the editing and revision process? Absolutely.

    4. Would like a weekly mentor/CP just for the workshop? Not sure what this entails, but sounds great!

    5. Will you only be using the workshop for the daily tips, suggestions and the creative inspirational help? No, I'm hoping to make it to the end.

  44. 1. Are you starting the workshop with only an idea? No.

    2. Is your manuscript already started and needs finishing? If yes, how far along are you? I'm 100,000 words. Almost done. Last few thousand left.

    3. Are you signing up for the editing and revision process? Yes

    4. Would like a weekly mentor/CP just for the workshop? Yes please

    5. Will you only be using the workshop for the daily tips, suggestions and the creative inspirational help? No. I'll be following along and would love to pitch in Feb.

    The workshop is open to anyone who is interested in the writing process. You may sign up for the workshop without joining the pitch opportunity! BUT in order to take part in the pitches, you MUST take the workshop.

  45. 1. Are you starting the workshop with only an idea?
    Yes and No

    2. Is your manuscript already started and needs finishing? If yes, how far along are you?
    One is finished: 80k words
    The other is still only in my head

    3. Are you signing up for the editing and revision process?
    Yes please

    4. Would like a weekly mentor/CP just for the workshop?
    I think so - not quite sure what's involved.

    5. Will you only be using the workshop for the daily tips, suggestions and the creative inspirational help?
    That will certainly be very useful - I'd love to be in the pitches too.


  46. 1. Are you starting the workshop with only an idea? No, have a chunk written

    2. Is your manuscript already started and needs finishing? YES If yes, how far along are you? 57k out of anticipated ~95k

    3. Are you signing up for the editing and revision process? Yes (hoping to get the story done soon!)

    4. Would like a weekly mentor/CP just for the workshop? Unsure, this isn't my first novel, I have several under my belt. I like the idea of progress reports and feed back though.

    5. Will you only be using the workshop for the daily tips, suggestions and the creative inspirational help? Anticipate using it for more than this.

  47. 1. Are you starting the workshop with only an idea? No

    2. Is your manuscript already started and needs finishing? If yes, how far along are you?
    almost done

    3. Are you signing up for the editing and revision process?
    4. Would like a weekly mentor/CP just for the workshop? No

    5. Will you only be using the workshop for the daily tips, suggestions and the creative inspirational help? YES!

  48. WAnted to add that I hope to pitch at the end. :)

  49. 1. Are you starting the workshop with only an idea? No

    2. Is your manuscript already started and needs finishing? If yes, how far along are you? Yes, unsure

    3. Are you signing up for the editing and revision process? Yes

    4. Would like a weekly mentor/CP just for the workshop? Yes

    5. Will you only be using the workshop for the daily tips, suggestions and the creative inspirational help? No

    1. Hi JR. All I need now is what genre and category you'll be entering in the workshop:)

  50. 1. Are you starting the workshop with only an idea? No.

    2. Is your manuscript already started and needs finishing? If yes, how far along are you? Completed manuscript--in editing process.

    3. Are you signing up for the editing and revision process? Yes.

    4. Would like a weekly mentor/CP just for the workshop? No.

    5. Will you only be using the workshop for the daily tips, suggestions and the creative inspirational help? Primarily, yes. But I am very much interested in the pitching opportunities. :)

  51. Oh, and my email address is: redperil @


  52. 1. Are you starting the workshop with only an idea? NO

    2. Is your manuscript already started and needs finishing? If yes, how far along are you? YES, ABOUT 7K WORDS SO FAR.

    3. Are you signing up for the editing and revision process? YES

    4. Would like a weekly mentor/CP just for the workshop? YES

    5. Will you only be using the workshop for the daily tips, suggestions and the creative inspirational help? NO, I'D LIKE A PITCHING OPPORTUNITY TOO.
    My email address is

  53. 1. Are you starting the workshop with only an idea? NO

    2. Is your manuscript already started and needs finishing? If yes, how far along are you? YES--Deep revisions

    3. Are you signing up for the editing and revision process? YES

    4. Would like a weekly mentor/CP just for the workshop? NO.

    5. Will you only be using the workshop for the daily tips, suggestions and the creative inspirational help? YES


    Thank you so much for this wonderful opportunity!


    Mellisa Dempsey

  54. 1. Are you starting the workshop with only an idea? NO

    2. Is your manuscript already started and needs finishing? If yes, how far along are you?
    My manuscript is almost finished--maybe two to three more chapters.

    3. Are you signing up for the editing and revision process? YES

    4. Would like a weekly mentor/CP just for the workshop? NO.

    5. Will you only be using the workshop for the daily tips, suggestions and the creative inspirational help? YES

  55. My email is

    Judy Cummings

  56. I have two middle grade novels finished. Need an agent. Need ideas to grab their attention.

  57. 1. Are you starting the workshop with only an idea? No, I have a complete MG cultural fantasy novel (and ideas for others)

    2. Is your manuscript already started and needs finishing? If yes, how far along are you? It's finished (42K words)

    3. Are you signing up for the editing and revision process? Yes

    4. Would like a weekly mentor/CP just for the workshop?, what do you mean by "Just" for the workshop?

    5. Will you only be using the workshop for the daily tips, suggestions and the creative inspirational help? No, I'm ready to pitch also (I've been querying for two months but only snagged one full request--and rejection--so far).

  58. 1. Are you starting the workshop with only an idea? NO

    2. Is your manuscript already started and needs finishing? If yes, how far along are you?
    Finished. Being read by Betas.

    3. Are you signing up for the editing and revision process? YES

    4. Would like a weekly mentor/CP just for the workshop?

    5. Will you only be using the workshop for the daily tips, suggestions and the creative inspirational help?
    YES. But I really need help writing queries, loglines, pitches, etc.

  59. 1) No
    2) book was finished, but rewriting the ending
    3) Yes, need editing/revision
    4) That could be cool
    5) I want to use everything that is remotely offered to help polish my work and I welcome any new ideas, thoughts, friends I encounter along the way

  60. 1. Are you starting the workshop with only an idea?

    2. Is your manuscript already started and needs finishing? If yes, how far along are you?
    It's done!

    3. Are you signing up for the editing and revision process?

    4. Would like a weekly mentor/CP just for the workshop?
    That'd be cool!

    5. Will you only be using the workshop for the daily tips, suggestions and the creative inspirational help?
    Not only for these, but they're definitely bonuses!

  61. 1. Not just an idea
    2. Progress: Full book (draft plus two revisions)
    3. Edit/Revise: Yes
    4. Weekly mentor/CP: Yes, but feels like I'm too late in the process
    5. Use workshops for whatever I can get out of them (and give back when/if appropriate)

  62. 1. Have completed MS

    2. I have edited, killed my darlings, re-written at least 100x. Am currently waiting on final feedback from Gina at Talcott Agency

    3. Not at this stage but may do later

    4. As I am from Australia, time differences are a real issue. I have also discovered that UK English and USA English has much more uncommon to each other than just dropping of a “U” or replacing a “S” for a “Z” – grammatically I am seeing several differences and feel more confident with UK English.

    5. Yes – at this stage Yes

  63. 1. Are you starting the workshop with only an idea? No.

    2. Is your manuscript already started and needs finishing? If yes, how far along are you? Just about finished.

    3. Are you signing up for the editing and revision process? Yes.

    4. Would like a weekly mentor/CP just for the workshop? Sounds good to me.

    5. Will you only be using the workshop for the daily tips, suggestions and the creative inspirational help? Nope, they're bonuses.

  64. 1. Are you starting the workshop with only an idea?

    2. Is your manuscript already started and needs finishing? If yes, how far along are you?
    Yes. I'm about 2/3 of the way through.

    3. Are you signing up for the editing and revision process?

    4. Would like a weekly mentor/CP just for the workshop?

    5. Will you only be using the workshop for the daily tips, suggestions and the creative inspirational help?
    No, but I'm sure they will help.

  65. 1. Are you starting the workshop with only an idea? NO

    2. Is your manuscript already started and needs finishing? If yes, how far along are you? FINISHED

    3. Are you signing up for the editing and revision process? NO

    4. Would like a weekly mentor/CP just for the workshop? NO

    5. Will you only be using the workshop for the daily tips, suggestions and the creative inspirational help? YES

  66. 1. Are you starting the workshop with only an idea? Nope

    2. Is your manuscript already started and needs finishing? If yes, how far along are you?
    My MS is already finished.

    3. Are you signing up for the editing and revision process?
    YES. I will use as much help as I can get!!

    4. Would like a weekly mentor/CP just for the workshop?
    That would be absolutely AWESOME!!

    5. Will you only be using the workshop for the daily tips, suggestions and the creative inspirational help?
    I will use this workshop for all it's worth=) I want to be involved in every aspect!

  67. What a great opportunity! I hope I'm not too late to get in on all the fun :)

    1. No
    2. Finished
    3. No
    4. No (but wow what a great idea!)
    5. I plan on pitching, but I'll also check out all the info too)


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