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Sign Up OAI Workshop

Please fill out the questionnaire in this link after you have signed up: click here: PREVIEW #2

Operation Agent Ink Sign up in the comments of

THIS POST (or the announcement post below) if you want to participate in the workshop and pitch opportunity.

Please let me know what the category and genre of your manuscript (or what you think you idea will fit into. If you don't know, just say so!)

That's all for now:)

I've already shortened the the workshop title because my email was flooded with spam. Go figure?


  1. Sign up for participation in the workshop and pitch Debra Elliott-Adult Inspirational Non-fiction. Thank you.

  2. I saw your comment on my blog. I couldn't reply back, so I am replying here. Yes, this will be the book. This project started as a way for me to heal through a lot of personal demons. I created a blog and have shared my words for a few years with others. I kept putting off writing the book, but now with your work shop I have an opportunity to maybe get it out there. Thanks for everything.

    1. I have goose bumps just thinking about hw amazing this book is going to be!

    2. Thanks. I have had a lot of my friends and writer friends tell me I need to get it out there, but I haven't actually sat down to format it. It'a about 23 chapters and I'm revising somethings and leaving some out which are too personal. I hope to catch an agent's eye during the workshop.

  3. I'd like to sign up. I write adult and YA-ish historical fiction. A number of people have suggested that the books I thought were more YA might be better-queried as adult, in spite of the young protagonists. I write only 20th century historical at the moment, though eventually I'm going to resurrect some 18th and 19th century characters, and explore other eras as well (Heian Japan, the High and Late Middle Ages, et al).

  4. Hi Talynn-- If women'd lit is a go, sign me up. I'm curious to see how this will work and if it will help move my little brain doggies along. Thanks for all your work and coordination of this.

  5. Okay this sounds like fun and might be just what I need right now. Genre is Fantasy in a space like setting. category: adult or new Adult

  6. Just to confirm, count me in :) My new project is YA Urban Fantasy (again) :)

  7. I'm going sign up for the workshops. They look like they'd be helpful! I kinda have 2 I'm tossing between. Both are NA.

    1. Great Katie! Sounds like NA has several entries right now!

      You're in!

  8. I will sign up! Adult Urban Fantasy/crime thriller. Right now it's at 59k, and will end up being about 100k, but it's the third book in a series. I'm still trying to find a home for the first two, but I'm Don Quixote, so I'll keep writing book 3. Thanks for all your hard work organizing this!

  9. Hi, I know you already signed me up (thanks!) is the category/genre of my WIP:

    YA Speculative Fiction

  10. Holy cow! how did I MISS this?!?! Me me me! *waving hands* Adult Urban Fantasy.

  11. I would like to sign up for the workshop and the pitch! My name is Brittney Woodson and my genre is Dystopian YA. It is in the beginning stages. :)

    1. Glad to have you!
      You are in:) Be sure and fill in the questionnaire on the Preview #2 post!

  12. I'm in! I have a MG Adventure Fantasy, but I'd really like to hear the wishlist before deciding on a genre. I am an illustrator/writer and also have a few PB dummies in the works. Is that ok?

    1. You are more than welcome to wait until wish lists ore posted. Most agents have said they would send me the list by this week end:)

  13. Me too! I'm looking at either a sci-fi paranormal or a romance - either one ok?

  14. I'd like to sign up. I have a completed YA fantasy manuscript.

    1. You're in! Please fill out the Preview #2 questionnaire. That way, we know what you'll need!

  15. this is great. I would like to sign up. I write YA and currently have 2 complete manuscripts. one is YA fantasy, the other YA sci-fi dystopian

  16. Ooh, sounds perfect! Sign me up, please. I'm working on edits for a YA sci-fi/fantasy.

  17. I left a comment on the other page signing up but I thought I'd confirm here as well. I'm working on a YA Paranormal (Romance/Suspense). Thanks. :)

    1. At least I guess the story I'm writing would be considered Paranormal (but maybe it would be Fantasy). There are no vampires or traditional werewolves in it. But there are witches, witch hunters, and shapeshifters who can change shape because of a magic spell cast on their ancestor which is passed down through the bloodline. It's actually based off some local legends and stories.

  18. I'd love to sign up for fantasy/spec-fi MG.

  19. I would like to sign up for the workshops and anything pertaining to agents!

    My WIP is YA,a paranormal/historical mystery. Paranormal in the sense of psychic abilities, not vampires and werewolves and all that outdated stuff. I hope it's not too late.

  20. Sheesh, forgot to give my last name: Mikki Sadil.

  21. Hello my dear, I guess this is where I attempt to sign up?

    I'm going to go forth with my YA fantasy once again which is being very heavily edited. I also have a work I'm thinking about playing with for Nano but I have a whole day to decide if I'm even going to bother with that. We'll see.

  22. Ingrid Hansen: My YA time-traveler...Is this the right place to sign up?

    1. YA Time traveler? Yay!
      Sign up is here. Just don't for get to sign up the questionnaire. The link is at the top of this page!

  23. Sign me up! Inspirational contemporary romance with a little suspense thrown in.

  24. I'm late, but I sure would like to participate! I've been plotting a YA historical mystery and am starting today!

  25. Please sign me up! I'm halfway through an adult urban fantasy!

  26. Hi there,
    I would love to participate, but is it free? If so, then I'm in if you'll have me. I think I'll be working on my YA Contemporary (edgy with romantic elements).

  27. I'd love to sign up! I have a finished YA steampunk fantasy, and I'm currently NaNo-ing a YA Southern gothic fantasy.

  28. I signed up on the other page too. I write YA fantasy, urban fantasy. I have a YA thriller I'm querying now but I also have another novel I am stuck on I should work on so I can actually finish it. Thanks!

    1. Gottcha! I put you under YA Fantasy. Let me k now if I need to change that!

  29. I think I signed up on the wrong post :-P Well, can't hurt to sign up twice lol So, sign me up! My WIP is an adult fantasy (fairty tale-ish retelling, so I'm thinking fantasy?) Thanks! You rock!

    1. Okay, so mine might actually fall under "Literary" a la "Wicked..." been grappling with this whole categorization thing!

  30. I'd love to sign up if this open to/useful for people outside the US. I have a finished MS in need of edit - women's commercial - and a couple of ideas I'm working on.

    Is this really free? Amazing? Thanks for a great initiative.

    1. Yes, there is no charge for this workshop! Also, please fill out the questionnaire on the post entitled Preview #2. Thanks!

  31. Can I still sign up? I have a 1st draft completed YA paranormal that needs serious editing.

  32. Sign me up. I've just started a book for NaNoWriMo.

    YA fantasy/paranormal (?)

  33. Hi. Can I sign up for Adult Supernatural Thriller? WIP short 10,000 words for completion.



  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Hey, sign me up! :) I'm sitting on a completed YA memoir, and a contemporary YA romance--both in Beta-reading phase.

  36. Please sign me up. I am 7K words into a manuscript of historical romance.
    Jan Cline

  37. Please sign me up. MG--Contemporary, boy MC.

  38. Sign me up. MG---boy----dog---mystery---

    1. Make sure you fill out the post entitled Preview #2 questionnaire please!

  39. Please sign me up. MG--historical fiction--male MC.

  40. Is it too late to sign up? I've been traveling and only just found out about this now. I have a MG cultural fantasy (female MC) complete. Thanks!

  41. I heard on query tracker that the deadline to sign up has been extended. May I also sign up?
    I have a 90K YA paranormal romance that is currently being looked at by betas readers and I am doing a YA novel for NaNoWriMo.

  42. If I'm not too late, I'd still love to sign up. Here's my info:

    Holly De Herrera
    Inspirational Fiction, editing complete manuscript
    Lower Middle Grade Fiction, complete (mystery/Old Order Mennonite)

    1. Hi Holly. Sure, you can sign up. It's a little late, but I'm running behind too. So come on and join us:)

  43. I just found out about this. If it's not too late, I'd like to sign up. (If not, c'est la vie....)
    - Author: M.K. Becker (, @MKBeckerAuthor)
    - Title: Threeland
    - Genre: Upper MG adventure/fantasy
    - Contact: MKBecker (att) MKBecker (dott) com

    1. Great! Nice to meet you, come on in, look around, do done catching up, and enjoy the workshop!!

  44. If it's not too late, I'd also like to sign up. My genre is YA science fiction. Thanks!

    1. Hi Hilary! It's nice to meet you! I hope you enjoy the rest of the workshop!

  45. I'd like to sign up! My genre is YA paranormal romance. :)

    1. You're welcome to join us! Thanks and I hope you enjoy the rest of the workshop!

  46. I would like to sign up as well. My WIP is YA paranormal.

  47. I would like to sign up for the pitch, but not the workshops. My MS is already completed. It's historical fantasy and the audience is adults.

    PS - I'm trying to find a way to subscribe to your blog via email or RSS, but I can't find anything. Can you please point me in the right direction? I'm not a blogger user.


  48. I hope I'm not too late, but I'd love to sign up for the workshop and the pitch! My current MS is YA Contemporary Fantasy. If you need any more info, you can email me at kathleen(dot)doyle88(at)yahoo(dot)com

  49. I'm doing this a bit backward I see, but please sign me up for the (remaining) workshop(s) and the pitch.

    Christi Corbett
    Historical Romance


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