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Showing posts from October, 2012

Pre-Op Investigations

UPDATE! If you do not see a * by your name, this means you have not filled out the preview #2 post. Also, some names have no genre selections. Please do so before the sign up closes. Here is what I have so far. IF you do not see your name here, or if you haven't not sent in your genre, PLEASE let me know! Also, if your  name is here, but is only listed as a Category (YA, MG, etc.)  please let me know the genre you are most interested. If you are undecided until you see the WISH LISTS, just let me know that! Thanks! I'm so excited you all have joined. I hope we meet, and exceed, your expectations! Nonfiction Inspirational Debra Elliot* Inspirational Romance ChristinaLi* Women's Fiction Julie Luek* Lanette* Sara Cate* (Commercial) Literary Fiction Brianna Shrum* Adult Urban Fantasy Laura Hughes (w/crime thriller elements)* Aldrea Alien* T.J.* Jennifer Shih* Adult Urban Thriller krysp* Usman* (Supernatural) NA (or ADULT) Fantasy Gloria Sigountos*

Operation Agent Ink Classes

Hey lovely gals and guys! Are you ready for Operation Agent Ink?? It's tomorrow!! Okay, so firstly, let me say, if you are participating in NaNo this year, can you let me know? I signed up! YIKES!!! and I have no idea what Ia m doing. I got lost over there, so that's what I 'll be doing this afternoon. Trying to figure ever thing out! Now, for the classes! Here is how everything is going down. Classes will be sent out on Thursday's. Check-in will be on Monday. Check in's will be for asking questions or help with the assignment. Now, assignments will not be like school work. They will be suggestions to improve your writing or to check you work for mistakes or gaps in character, plot or storyline. Then, there will be help for editing. Many have asked about mentoring and what all it involves. Mentoring will be done once a week in the form of a private email. You can ask questions, send pieces of your writing (up to two pages) or ask for help on something


Hey dolls!! And guys!! I just wanted to let everyone know I've had a couple of teachers and agents opt out and one agent with a maybe confirmation. I have some wish list items to post too!! I'm sorry I didn't get the classes posted today, but the last minute drop outs left me scrabbling to revise and re-arrange. I'll post the new schedule in the morning along with the new wish lists. I've got some great ones for you!!

Book Tour with Bonnie: Nether Triology

Today, I have a special interview from Self Published author Bonnie Rae. She talks about her first two books and gives us her favorite writing tips. Enjoy!! 1. What made you decide to self-publish? With the Nether Trilogy I really wanted to learn the industry and be able to have my own say over the books. Also, so many publishers are moving towards digital publishing that it just made perfect sense to me. We are in a digital age and if I can share my stories with the world for a cheap price, and they enjoy them - I have succeeded. 2. Tell us about the road to self publishing! It wasn't easy. Sure, anybody can slap a novel up on digital book sites now a days, but to do it right and be known as a credited author, that is a whole different ball game. I think the major thing is to approach the entire situation and process as professionally as possible. I hired a professional editor, professional cover artist, and had (and still do) all of my own self promoting. There

Are you knocking on the right door?

When one door closes, open another. When that door refuses to open, knock on another. When that door is locked, you just have the wrong key. There are 1000's of doors and there is one waiting to open FOR YOU:)

Opertion Agent Ink Going Live in THREE days:)

It's almost here, guys and dolls, and I can feel the excitement in the air! Class roster will go up on the tomorrow!! More agent wish lists have arrived and I'll be updating soon:) Please, make sure you fill out the questionnaire on this post link: click here- PREVIEW #2 . If you do not fill this out, then it will be assumed you have decided not to take part in the workshop. Also, check to make sure your name is list here on this Pre-Op Investigation post. I know there have been some new sign ups and I have not updated the list since before the weekend. Just double check for me because I do not want to leave anyone out. Thanks, it's going to be a wonderful season!

Spooktober Festival Blog Hop!

Cobwebs draped the darkened porch Jack-o-lanterns glowed with a tiny torch Ghosts danced merrily from stakes in the yard Stew bubbled in the cauldron with vegetables they had charred Razors glittered in the moonlight While the barber prepared his chair for the evening shaving fight. Okay, so I don't do horror very well.                                                                                    

Reminder for OAI Pre-Ops

Hey everyone! I hope your Saturday is going well and your weekend is awesome! Just reminding everyone, if you haven't filled in the PREVIEW #2 Questionnaire Post, please do so. We are scheduling classes and need the info. Also, I need your category and genre. Check out this post, PRE-OP Investigation to see if your name and genre on already on the list! Also, our slots are filling up fastert han anticiapted and the sign ups may need to end early. So be sure and grab a spot if yu are interested. For those who are planning to take part in the Pitch Opportunity in February, you must partcipate fully in the workshop. I WILL BE POSTING THE WISH LIST TONIGHT!

OAI Supplies (for fun:)

My writing supplies (part of them...) I have index cards, markers, pencils and pens, paper clips, folders and books. Of course, my lovely MacBook Pro. And books. Did I mention my books? I've got: Plot Whisper Book in a Month Let's Make A Scene One Way To Write A Novel Riveting Your Reader With Deep Point Of View Plot and Structure The Fire in Fiction And so much more... Did you download the worksheets from Writers Digest? So gather up your supplies, and lets get ready to write! What have you got for the workshop? Anything ultra cool?

EVER and Frankie (get out of the way, Toby!)

My name's Frankie. And I'm just a regular guy.  Well, except for the whole ghost thing, I guess. I've  been a bystander for far too long, trapped in this ghostly shell for the past two years. I've decided it’s time to make myself known and set some things into motion. Evil lurks in the shadows.   And not just any evil.  It’s disguised as that slick talking, good-looking Toby James ... the new kid next door. Guys,(and girls!) today is my day to host EVER's blog tour for Jessa! So, I must confess, technical difficulties beyonf my control, are preventing my creative endeavors from showing off here on my blog:( I will keep trying through out the day to right the wrongs of this crazy, high-tech wonders we call computers, but sometimes, they get the better of me and THERE IS NOTHING I CAN DO ABOUT IT:( Just for the record, in case I can not figure things out: I'M A HUGE FRANKIE FAN!  We've read A Christmas Caro

Wish Lists Are Arriving

Hey everyone! I'm so excited! Wish lists are starting to fill my inbox! AND, TWO more agents confirmed for the pitch opportunity in February! So the line up is looking pretty impressive! I can't wait to reveal who these magnificent agents are!!! If you have signed up but haven't filled out the mini questionnaire (the post below this one) please do so. We are making the schedule and tailoring it to YOUR needs, so if you don't answers the questions, we can't know how to schedule. Once again, INSPIRATIONAL WRITERS are going to benefit! MG WRITERS, sign up! YA WRITERS, sign up! ADULT WRITERS, we've got agents for you! NONFICTION WRITERS, sign up!! Still waiting to hear beck from the children's PB agent. Keep your fingers crossed for a positive response! Spread the word! Grab a button:) You've Been Inked!

Preview #2 for OAI

If you are visiting to sign up for Operation Agent Ink, visit THIS post: Sign Up For those already signed up, Please comment below and let me know: 1. Are you starting the workshop with only an idea? 2. Is your manuscript already started and needs finishing? If yes, how far along are you? 3. Are you signing up for the editing and revision process? 4. Would like a weekly mentor/CP just for the workshop? 5. Will you only be using the workshop for the daily tips, suggestions and the creative inspirational help? The workshop is open to anyone who is interested in the writing process. You may sign up for the workshop without joining the pitch opportunity! BUT in order to take part in the pitches, you MUST take the workshop. Warning!!! The workshop will consist of several posts each day. Feel free to visit once a day and grab all the info at one time if needed. As soon as sign ups are over, I will be setting up a schedule according to what the readers want. They will b

Workshop Preview

One tip to get you started: It would be great if you had your own set of worksheets to use as you begin an awesome novel, right? Go here to Writers Digest and download these for free. They are from Writers Digest and you can use them during our workshop. They are also included in the book Your Novel in 30 Days. If you prefer not to use these worksheets, grab you a notebook. You'll need something to keep track of all your notes, edits and ideas during the workshop. If you are a compter writer only, set up a folder just for Operation Agent Ink and our workshop. This way, you'll have all you stuff together. I strongly suggest you get a notebook, though. Some of the Creative Inspirational ideas may not work on the computer. But however you decide to work through the workshop, keep it all together. Getting excited! I hope to hear back from all the other agent soon, so I can post them. I will tell you this...The agents so far, represent... Hartline Literary Agenc y

Sign Up OAI Workshop

UPDATE!! Please fill out the questionnaire in this link after you have signed up: click here: PREVIEW #2 Operation Agent Ink Sign up in the comments of THIS POST (or the announcement post below) if you want to participate in the workshop and pitch opportunity. Please let me know what the category and genre of your manuscript (or what you think you idea will fit into. If you don't know, just say so!) That's all for now:) I've already shortened the the workshop title because my email was flooded with spam. Go figure?

Operation Agent Ink

UPDATE: PLEASE FILL OUT THIS QUESTIONNAIRE AFTER YOU SIGN UP. Have you ever wondered what agents were dying to find in their inbox/slush pile? There have been many times I entered a contest and not even received a comment, not even from one of the agents. Or maybe the agent was kind enough to leave a comment that simply said, "Sorry, this just isn't what I'm looking for, but I love the premise and your voice." I always walk away feeling unsatisfied. If I had known exactly what the agent wanted beyond, "YA" or "Fantasy" I might not have even entered a contest I knew I wouldn't win! Even more, I wasted a very busy agents time! Well, your time of guessing is up! OPERATION AGENT INK to the rescue! That's right! This workshop will help aspiring authors get on the list of an agent's WISH LIST! When the workshop is over, your manuscript will be ready to view by a group of AMAZING agents who are dying to see what you've wri

More clues...

Do you write Inspirational Fiction? Do you write nonfiction? Do you write picture books or other middle grade children's books? What about young adult? And don't forget Adult! Come back tomorrow for all the details of a Free Writers Workshop and a Pitch Opportunity! Something is brewing....

A Surprise Is Coming!!!!!!

Oh! Let me just say, it involves......... AGENTS! Agents who want you to pitch to them! It involves a......... 3 month long FREE Workshop!!!! Anyone interested in details????? Look for them Thursday:)

Letting Go

What if you can't let go? How do you let go, even when you want to because it's necessary? As a little girl of eight,my grandmother died in a car accident. She had just dropped me and my sister off at home, after Sunday School. They didn't even see the truck coming that slammed into the side of the car, snapping my precious Grandma's neck and killing her instantly. Cruel death, that takes a loved one without permission. Less than a year later, my Grandfather took a shower and sat down to watch the nightly news. He died, holding my Grandma's picture in his arms. The doctors say he died of a broken heart. Literally. Letting go is hard to do. Sometimes, you never let go. Sometimes, it's a slow slipping away. Sometimes, it never happens. I had planned to write a nice piece on letting go, but as I sat down to write, I realized I couldn't. I haven't let go. Here is a link to the others who are participating. Write Here, Write Now

Revised and Edited Haunted Writing Clinic Mawhahahahah

Hey all! As you know, I am participating in the writing clinic hosted by Sharon Bayliss and Curiosity Quills. Today, we are to post a revised query and first page in order to scare the Super Villains in hopes they will pick ME to mentor. I'm leaving lots of candy and cookies for enticement! Okay, here are my revisions. Query: --> Ashton Driver wants nothing more than to succeed with his new mission and rescue the damsel in distress. Ashton Driver is every girl’s dream with his mood ring eyes and glowing tattoos that change with every new military command. He is a skilled warrior just like his father, and he’s not afraid of anything, not even death. New orders arrive, but in spite of his bravery, his heart melts. He’s instructed to find the missing princess. Oh, she’s beautiful all right, and smart, too. The catch? She’s one hundred years old. To prepare for his mission, Ashton must attend the Shadow Academy. He learns the head mistress is tough and fearl

Would you vote for something for me?

Hey guys! I'm so sorry I keep asking you guys to do something for *me* so much in the last few weeks. It's the only way I have to spread the word about my writing adventures, so please forgive me if I ask to much for myself. I have just been informed that I can enter a little contest hosted by Mommy Authors. It is supposed to be for their Facebook Page, but since I don't have a Facebook account, they have graciously agreed to let me post on their blog!! All you need to do is go to their blog (I've linked it below) and simply comment with the word like. Thank you (in advance) Smooches all:) Click below! Mommy Authors

Spooktacular Excitiment!

Sorry guys. I had to change backgrounds. Certain technical difficulties interrupted my viewing experiences. What were the difficulties? I didn't like it! I love this one, so I switched back. Now, be prepared in a couple of days for another change. I found a template entitled, "If the shoe fits" and I may change tot hat one because I'm hoping the shoe will fit during Trick or Treat Pitch..... Yes, I changed by blog background in honor of Spooktacular Extravaganza Excitement:) You see, I'm prepared to scream if I get rotten eggs thrown at me or if I am encased with toilet paper. But, I'll also be screaming (with joy) if I get treated with candy! Just remember, you can't really scare me because I have kids...see? >>>>>>>>>>>

Blog and Giveaway

Check out this great new Blog I just found. She's having a giveway, too, and I think you might like to enter. After all, who doesn't enjoy grabbing a new book about CHRISTMAS!! Words of the Worlds Alexandra Lanc

Give Your Character Something To Do

Okay, lovely readers. Here's part 2 for finding unique situations for your characters. Resurrected from back in May...Mawhahaha!!!! Great books have great characters and these characters need situations to work through. There are times I simply lay on my couch and just think of the most fascinating characters I cannot wait to write a story about them. Sometimes I can think of the best character with lovely descriptions and perfect settings, but that's all. My characters find themselves doing nothing, and my great character dies prematurely. Here's what I do to to bring her back to life. 1. Find Something New. Have you ever wondered how film was developed? (Really? Film? Sure, not all stories take place today, right? Sometimes I enjoy writing historical books:) What a librarian did all day? Or what happens when Wal Mart gets a new shipment in? How does Wal Mart find new clients? What process does the police department take when booking a new criminal? What go

Teen Read Week!!! Blog Tour

So, for this blog tour, I am to tell you a little bit about myself, a little about my blog and then give you a little info about a great teen book! For me, I am a mother of six beautiful children. We all love books, What more needs to be said? I have passed on my love for writing to 2 of my daughters. One is an contributor and editor for an online magazine and the other is a brilliant, creative and awesome story writer (uh, story writer?) I am a writer. Yes, I said it!!! I'm a writer!!! YAY!! I hope to be published one day very soon:) My blog was created to encourage other writers, to instill creativity and inspiration to all who read and hopefully offer a few smiles to everyone who passes through my blogoshere. My book review for Teen Week is not really a book review, but I would like to encourage teen readers to be careful when choosing what you check out from the library. The teen years are very impressible times. For those who are serious about reading, you can beco

Finding Unique Situations For Your Characters

I will admit: this is a resurrected post. Mawhahahaha! I have been re-posting a few of my earlier articles. Back when  I first started this blog and had no followers or visitors. But I liked many of my earlier posts and thought they deserved a chance to be read. so ENJOY!!! When developing your character you need situations for your character to work through. Plot development and character situations really mean about the same thing and without plot to move your character forward, you have no story. So how do you develop unique, intriguing problems for your character to work through? Here's a list to get your creative inspiration moving in the right direction. 1. Role Play As a child, we did this all the time. We were firemen, princesses, doctors, soldiers, detectives, and spies. We could be anything we wanted and it was the best fun as a child. Remember? An easy way to add to the plot is to become someone else. Build a spaceship and fly into outer space. Bat

Have You Noticed This Book?

An amazing story written by an amazing author. If you haven't read it yet, YOU SHOULD. Go on and buy it now. You'll be so glad you did! It's a blog hop and here's the link to find the others participating: DINYB hop See the book here: Kelly Walker BlogSpot Cornerstone by KELLY WALKER READ ABOUT IT AND THEN BUY IT HERE!!!!!!! GOODREADS


Favorite Quote For the Day... "Nothing is a waste of time if it adds to the person you are." (Love Comes Softly Movie) I started this week in a very depressing way. I wanted to quit. I really did. BUT! This quote kept me going. If I do something and fail my achievement, I want to say, "Well that was a waste of time." But hold on a minute! IF I gained help, understanding, progress, enlightenment, wisdom, or anything that made me a better person, it was NOT A WASTE OF TIME! Don't quit. Keep going. Keep writing. Keep trying. Keep knocking. Keep working. Add to the person you are. Become a better person. Become a better writer. Go on. You CAN do it.

HWCAC First Page Sample

Pitch Live is HERE!!! Click to go directly to the video on my blog! Be still my beating heart. My page is open for slaughter... _________________________ --> Ashton traced the outline glowing in his palm while he waited for his mission assignment to be completed.   His amethyst eyes squinted at the fireball about to unleash a new day.    Watching the girl from a safe distance, he wondered what she had to do with his mission. He read his palm again. Yes, he had found the right person. She looked as though she was about to fly the coop, leaving behind a dead body crumpled on the ground.   ******** River tore a piece of material from the hem of her petticoat and wrapped it around her hand, clenching the cloth between her teeth. The white linen turned red before she finished tying the knot. Her stomach tightened and for a moment she thought she would be sick. Taking in a long breath calmed her enough to stop the shakes in her hands. An image laced with pink swirled

Pitch live

Title: Shadow Castle Genre: Historical Fantasy Word count 70,000  

Give me a miute...

If you have ever had a "BLAH" day, then you know what I am going through. I have ran non-stop for the past seven week, and this week, I have not time to rest, but I do need to post a million things, including my PITCH LIVE video. My blog hop , and awards and tags ! Give me a "minute" and I'll get my creativity back up to par. For now, I'm just BLAH. It will pass soon and I'll be back on my feet in no time... Thanks for your patience.
When I read a book with riveting characters and the sequel finally hits the market, reading book two often feels like I am meeting a group of old friends again after a long interlude. People want to read about characters and many readers fall in love or hate with the characters inside the pages of a book. I have often read books that lacked a good plot but I finished the book anyway. Why? Because the characters were interesting. I became mentally involved with the characters as if they were real. These characters drew me into the book and I could not stop caring for them. I was not satisfied until I made it to the end of the book and learned how my characters turned out from beginning to end. Here is a tip I use: When developing my characters, I write about them like I know them. In other words, I imagine the people in my book have been long time friends, or enemies, and I know them well enough to help my readers know them. How can you write about a character

Do You Smell Something good?

Revise #1 fr the Haunted Writing Clinic is HERE How many memories do you have wrapped up in a smell? Favorite cookies from Grandma? Perfume sprays from that special night? The other day, I was cooking dinner and I had chicken broth in one pan and vanilla extract in another. The two combinations together reminded me of Thanksgiving and I suddenly got a familiar yearning for family. Scents have a way of moving on our emotions the same way sights can draw us into another world or time. Don't overlook the power of scent to spur your imagination while writing. If a certain smell -perfume- elicits feelings of romance, and the character in your story is in love, spritz our favorite fragrance while you write. Are you writing a home scene where everyone is happy, comfy, and cozy? Bake some chocolate chip cookies and let the scent circulate around you. At best, light a candle you love. Your home will smell wonderful and your creative nose will inspire your pen.

Do You Hear Something?

How do you engage audio learners in your story? Many readers are visual people. They like to see things, and thus enjoy reading. (Which, by the way, I am a visual!) Audio people enjoy books on tape, music, and all things connected to the ears! In order to draw your reader into the world you created on the written page, it is most imperative you entice them with their senses. Engagement of your readers happens with sound words. This is otherwise none as onomatopoeia: words that sound like are written. Please include words with flavor, resonance, texture, aromas, and pictures in the mind. Your readers will come back again and again when they know they can step into your world and feel as though they are actually living in the pages of your book. Call out to your readers in a way they can relate! Here is a wonderful list of sound words for inspiration: clink, clang, clatter boom, burst, explode crunch, crackle, crinkle gurgle, garbled, groan murmur, cooed,

Research for your novel

Sometimes research can be the best part about writing a book. Then again, sometimes, it can be boring and overwhelming. For me, though, research time is my most creative and inspirational time in my writing process. It's like a light comes on, and I'm off writing in no time! For instance, in my manuscript I submitted for the GUTGAA Small Press contest, a comment was made by one of the very beautiful, lovely, wise, and perfect judge (hehe. Maybe I'm partial because she voted for me. Maybe.) The comment involved the naming of my MC, Mercedes Albright. Was her name actually a historical name? And while I do agree it sounds modern, it did not become popular until modern times, it is not a modern name. I researched the name and found the Queen consort of Spain name was Mercedes. She was born in 1860. But in researching the name, it led me some interesting information, which I was more than happy to include in my story. The creativity light flickered bright during my rese

THe Haunted Writing Clinic

Hopefully, this will be the last one! #5 woo hoo! according to word document, passive voice is gone....:) Another option for title, coming from Ashtons's POV: Shadow Castle ********* --> Ashton Driver wants nothing more than to succeed with his new mission and rescue the damsel in distress. Ashton Driver is every girl’s dream with his mood ring eyes and glowing tattoos that change with every new military command. He is a skilled warrior just like his father, and he’s not afraid of anything, not even death. New orders arrive, but in spite of his bravery, his heart melts. He’s instructed to find the missing princess. Oh, she’s beautiful all right, and smart, too. The catch? She’s one hundred years old. To prepare for his mission, Ashton must attend the Shadow Academy. He learns the head mistress is tough and fearless, and her mystical powers have more influence over him than he wants to admit. The mistress’ gorgeous daughter wants Ashton all to herse