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Book Review: ONE by Leigh Ann Kopans

When having two powers makes you a Super and having none makes you a Normal, having only one makes you a sad half-superpowered freak.

It makes you a One.

I remember hearing about ONE when I first joined Twitter. Unbeknownst to her, although probably like many others, I watched Leigh Ann Kopans' journey to self-publish this amazing novel. And let me tell you all something, it is pretty darn amazing.

ONE is the story of Merrin Grey as she struggles to make herself whole. I really liked Merrin. She seemed like an authentic teenager to me: rebellious, confused, love-struck by Elias but scared to act on it, and yet so vulnerable at the same time. Even more, I was thankful for very realistic romance between she and Elias. Finally. And if that's not enough, not only are both sets of parents present in the story, they actually play an integral role, something I think is missing from YA.

I don't want to spoil the book too much since it just came out, but the ride ONE brings you on hits all the right emotional and adrenaline-pumping nerves. I very much enjoyed this refreshing take on superpowers and teenage romance, and am eagerly looking forward to the sequel!

Like... yesterday. Consider it pre-ordered, Leigh!

Leigh Ann's Website, Twitter, and Blog


I purposely did this review on a WIP Ink Wednesday because one of my favorite parts of ONE is something I need to work at so much: romance. 

Merrin and Elias' romance is done so well, I cannot contain my excitement over it. They are presented as a real teenage couple. They're in love, they lust after one another, they fight, they keep secrets, they protect each other-- but at the end of the day, they stick together. Too many stories lately make love easy, no matter the age category. Or if there's trouble, it's external forces rather than internal. I felt that ONE was an incredibly refreshing take on this.

So here's something to look at both in my novels and your own: make the romance real. Make it happy, make it hurt, make it burn with need. But most of all, make it authentic.


  1. Great review. I'm definitely putting One on my list...and also taking a second look at the romance in my YA novels to check for authenticity.


    1. You can't go wrong with ONE. A love story with superpowers? I'm already poised to read it again!

  2. I LOOOOOVE this book so much! I also reviewed it today (not b/c of the romance but because of how awesome Merrin is). Funny. Great pick ;-)

    1. Merrin *is* pretty great, not gonna lie. She's probably one of my favorite YA characters!

  3. Love this concept! And that cover is absolutely gorgeous. Great recommendation :)

    Sarah Allen
    (From Sarah, With Joy)

    1. Isn't the cover just beautiful? If the blurb didn't draw me in, the cover definitely would have :)

  4. Great review!

    Love the concept!

    And yes romance has to be authentic!

    1. I was *so* thrilled to finally see a genuine take.


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