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One Word Year

When I first heard the phrase "One word year" I had no idea what it meant. After reading a few blog posts about their "word" I realized I had a word, too!

There is one thing I want to do this year and that's make my dream a reality. As you can see from new header, I want to make 2013 the year I...
 I plan to dream big, and make my dream come true. 2013 is the year! Somehow I just know it. Because...
 So, my word for the year is dream. Without dreams, people would cease to be creative. Those dreams floating around in my head prompt me to greater heights because I want achievement. I'm not being prideful. I'm being ambitious and determined. I'm being hopeful and successful. I dream of doing things that seem impossible...
 I'm dreaming, but I'm doing it with my eyes wide open, watching all the wonder, hope and excitement turn from a dream into reality.

What's your ONE WORD YEAR?


  1. MINE. I already claimed 2013 as my year Everyone else can fight over 2014.

    Repeating this is keeping my spirits up. So far every day this year, despite being really super sick yesterday and stopping 15 feet shy of a major accident a couple nights ago and running around like a nut with 911 and relaying info across the crash scene and making sure well-meaning people stopped trying to get injured people out of completely demolished cars, it's been a great year. As long as I claim it, I feel like it's going to be a good year because it's MINE.

    Rational? No. But dreams rarely are. Yet we reach anyway and hope.

    1. I will still dream big:)

      I'm so glad you extent involved in the accident. And I guess we can share a box of Kleenex and bag of cough drops. I'm fighting the flu too. I'll send you some chicken noodle soup.

    2. Aw, nothing has sounded good in days, but now soup does. I've been coughing up my lungs and a lot of green stuff, but have to suck it up because I'm starting three new ballet classes and four singing classes this week. The singing classes will go well, I can tell you, considering I can barely talk without coughing. THe triple-ply Kleenex with aloe is the best kind.

      I'm just glad that some time is opening up for all of this, and for getting back online regularly. Now I'm on a roll!

      My story is solid, and many people with a wide variety of interests have been enjoying it, including complete strangers who've commented on various critique sites. Surprisingly I'm batting a thousand with guys. All my male betas have really loved it. My only concern is getting an agent to actually read it.

  2. Another blog friend I follow claimed the word "embrace" which I love for all that it implies. Mine is hope --for personal and professional reasons. It represents all the waiting, cultivating and faith I am investing in this year.

    1. I like embrace and hope. I actually thought about hope. Peace crossed my mind, too.

  3. Replies
    1. Wow, you give so much already, Alex. It's a good word:)

  4. Dream is a great word! I haven't picked one but I'm thinking I might! Hope your dreams come true!

  5. I just attended one of my yearly writers' luncheons where we each reviewed our word of last year and came up with a new one for 2013. Mine was acceptance in 2012. I had to stick with that again in 2013 because I didn't get it right the first time. :-)

  6. Great word for the year! Mine is "do." :-)


  7. Mine is "faith." My husband is now out of the Navy, so we don't have a guaranteed X-amount paycheck coming in regularly, and the job I have is minimum wage. But I have faith that we'll make it through the year, and I have faith that this is the year I'll send out queries for my breakout novel.

    Hold on to your dreams, Ink. Someday they'll come true.


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