Take a trip
History in the making
Time Travel
Silk Dresses
Loving to hate
Now, these are the ideas that just popped into my mind as I wrote. No meditating. No reading someoneelse's book or article. I started with the word ship and simply wrote down the first thing that popped into my mind. Now, I am going to take a couple of the thoughts and turn them into a one line idea that I may be able to expound on in the near future.
A ship- Like the Titanic. Unsinkable, yet not promised and someone actually paid the passengers to gamble with their lives.

History in the making- A cure has been discovered for Aids, but at what risk to the developers of the cure?
Vintage - A young girl becomes enamored with a vintage trunk that contains a vintage dress and finds it holds more secrets than she can bear to reveal to others: the secrets may jeopardize her family and her life.
Retro - A disco? Hmm... A novel set in 1960, centered around the mystery of a missing boy.

Time Travel - A young girl dreams of traveling back in time to the day her mother died. She is trapped in the time machine and must continually live the day over and over until she realizes...
Silk dresses - A young Victorian lady falls in love with her neighbor, only to learn that he has a secret identity.
See how I took a simple word or phrase and turned it into an idea?
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