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Celebrate The Small Things

Hey guys! I'm posting on my phone today so I'll be short and sweet:)

Remember last weekend when I said my son and his fiancé were in staying with me, planning their wedding? Well this weekend, my OTHER son and his fiancé are staying with us, planning their wedding!!

Busy year for me! Two weddings and a new grand baby! WooHoo!!

Have a great weekend beautiful guys and dolls. I promise to visit everyone's blog later. As soon as I have stable Internet:)


  1. Have a fun weekend with a houseful of guests then!

    1. I'm so used to having my house filled with my kids and their friends, it gets very lonely when no one is here.

  2. Congratulations! I'm sure you're enjoying all of it to the fullest:)

    1. I am Tonja! Very Much:) I love having them all here!

  3. How do you even have time to post this short post? Two weddings and a Baby... sounds like a movie title lol Enjoy your weekend!!!

    1. Ha! So maybe I should write a book about my life???? and then it will be a movie. And then I'll be famous. And rich.

      Hey! I can dream, right?

  4. TWO weddings and a baby? You are officially the busiest woman I know! *Sends chocolate trophy.* Kudos to you, my dear!

    I'm stealing this blog hop idea for my class/individual blog...

    1. You already know how much I love chocolate. If you add some peanut butter, I'll be good to go!

    2. I can seriously do that. We sell it in dark chocolate and milk chocolate... take your pick and send me your address! :D

    3. Choices, choices. Shoot, Why not both? hehe!

  5. Lots of weddings! Such a happy time in life (perhaps a smidgen stressful as well, but that's just part of it). :)

    Congrats to all of the brides and grooms to-be!

    1. Thanks! It is going to get hectic, but in a good way. Then, there will lots of tears, too:)

  6. I predict a houseful of bunting for you this year! Enjoy!

    1. Just wait until Christmas gets here! Last year, we had 100 gifts under the tree!!!!

  7. Wow! Two weddings and a baby! That's wonderful! Congratulations!

    1. Thanks so much! You know it's going to be the best year yet!

  8. TWO WEDDINGS! This is a big celebration ;)

    1. I know! Huge, right! So exciting, but boy, my boys are growing up and moving away...boohoo

  9. Replies
    1. A loan would be so nice! But then again, I still have to pay it back.

  10. Wow, that's a lot to celebrate! Congratulations and best wishes to your family! :)

    1. Happiness all around, right! Three cheers to my boys!

  11. So awesome, I love a houseful too! Cooking for everyone always makes me happy. Such fun, talking, visiting, laughing and eating!

    Congrat's -- wonderful reasons to celebrate!

    1. I *love* it! I live for my family and I'm so happy it's expanding and growing with awesome daughter in laws and new babies to love and spoil and then home to their mommy!

  12. It's great having family around, especially a growing one! Have a great weekend. :-)

  13. Weddings and grand babies rock! Congrats!! :)

  14. Congrats on double wedding celebrations! Plus a new baby? It doesn't get any better!

  15. Sounds like love is in the air. Safe travels...

  16. sa-weet!
    i dont like getting older, but milestones like those are worth every wrinkle! congrats!


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