Flickr link Hey all! I feel like I've been missing in action. I know I haven't been around visiting blogs and I haven't done much replying here on my own blog. And I signed up for a blog hop , but I just haven't been able to keep up with the posts every day. I'm sorry about that.. Let me explain very quickly. And hope you will forgive and understand. I am in the middle of doing some revisions at the request of an agent! And... I have a little secret I'm not at liberty to discuss. Just yet. So, I have a quick tip for today's post. And then I'm off to revise. Since we are talking about world building, there is one thing I would caution. There is a fine line between back story and telling too much, but with a a new world, completely different than what we are used to, with strange names and customs, it is important you keep the world building easy to understand for a reader. Names and such can be completely confusing and if I don't know wh...
“Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart.” ― William Wordsworth