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Girls Just Wanna Have Fun Blog Hop: Character Interview

Music playing in the background, at Shae's request: My Heart Will Go On

Ink: Hi Shae. Thank you for joining me today here on my blog, Ink in the Book.
Can you tell me what the last thing you remember before gaining your memory back?

Shae: Well, I remember flashes of white, cold shivers against my skin. I remember hearing voices, but I couldn't understand everything they were saying. Oh. And I remember hearing a door slam.

Ink: Okay, what happened next?

Shae: I don't remember. Really, the next thing I can recall is waking up in a small room. It was dark, damp and suffocating. Like an old attic kind of hot. Hot, stuffy and sweaty.

Ink: Could you see anything or anyone?

Shae: It was dark, but there were cracks of light coming under a door and slivers of light seeping through the walls. The room was mostly bare. There was a bed and a small table and chair. I think there was a rug because I remember my bare feet touching something.

Ink: What about the people's voices? Could you hear anyone talking?

Shae: Not at first. All I could hear was something whirring, like maybe a ceiling fan. I could feel it, too, vibrating under my feet. I also heard a car pull up close to where I was. It was a gravel road, or maybe driveway that the car was driving on.

Shae sits quietly for a minute, staring off into space. Suddenly, her lip quivers and she places her hands against her chest as if to still her heart.

Ink: Anything else you want to talk about?

Shae: No. Well, yes. Don't you want to know about how I got rescued?

Ink: I would love to know the details!

Shae: Well, Ashton showed up at the door. I could hear mumbling to my captor before I heard the stairs creaking. He opened the door and my heart melted. I wasn't for sure if he was there to hurt me or what. He came and knelt in front of me and told me not to be afraid, that he was there to take me away. His blonde hair swept down over his eye and I could smell something like burnt wood. You know, like a camp fire. But it was his eyes that mesmerized my heart. They looked right through me as if they could see my soul. And they were the color of amethyst.

Ink: Wait a minute. His eyes were purple?

Shae: Yes. Sparkling amethyst. They turned lavender when he laughed. But dark, fearful purple when angry, almost blue. His eyes are mood rings, you know.

Ink: Mood rings? What does that mean?

Shae: They turned colors with his mood.

Ink: How strange.

Shae: In his hand he held a mark, sort of like a tattoo.

Ink: What do you mean held a mark?

Shae: It looked like he was holding it, but sometimes it just appeared. Especially when he got emotionally, or excited. It lit up his hand and glowed.

Ink: What did it look like?

Shae: I don't know. Really. It changed just like his eyes. But what I saw, it looked like a dagger. And he used it on me. On my heart. But when he looked at River, it hanged to a heart. A bleeding heart. Serves him right for what he did to me. 

Shea sat quietly for a minute, raising her hand to her chest. At first, I thought she was just tired, but then I could see she not flustered, but her hands over her were placed there to shield her heart. To protect it somehow. Then, she just got up and walked away. No, she ran. Like a bird let loose from a cage.


  1. "His eyes are mood rings." - What an excellent line! Great job!

    1. Thank you Kyra! A man's eyes say a lot about him and Ashton does have A*M*A*Z*I*N*G eyes.

  2. I really liked the picture here. What you've written is very interesting and intrigues me. It is definitely something I would want to read more of. Nice job!

  3. Thanks Jaybird! I just read your entry and I loved the part about the eyes! Very interesting and close to my character, too:) Thanks for stopping by!

  4. The pic is superb. Love it! I have to agree... the line about the eyes was the best.

    1. Oh! Thanks Danielle! I'm super excited you visited today!

  5. Sounds like he has beautiful eyes that would catch any girl's attention. Very nice!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Oh, and thanks so much for the comment;)

    3. Actually, if he wasn't a character in my book I'd snap him up myself!

  6. Ooh, amethyst eyes! I need to know more about this guy. Very intriguing interview!

    1. Hi Jennifer! Thanks for visiting my blog! If you come back next week you will get to see more! More snippets and more pics!

  7. Mood ring eyes - my son has those...but not Amethysts, of course.

    Loved reading this! Thanks for participating!

    1. Children have a way of showing us exactly what they are thinking, don't they?
      Thanks for stopping by today:)

  8. Wow. That was a teaser. I'd really like to know more. Why was she held captive? Why did she lose her memory?

    I'm curious about the rest of the story.

    1. Hi Suzi! I'm so glad you caught the memory thing! That is the center of my story and the theme of my book! Thanks for visiting today. Hope you will come back:)

  9. I like Shae's descriptions of things. Nicely done!

    1. Thank you, Jackie. I'm glad you stopped by and visited. Thanks for the comment!

  10. Very intriguing. Ashton sounds very enigmatic, and Shae, what happened to her? Who kidnapped her and why?

    Very interesting indeed, thanks for sharing.

    1. Oh, I can't tell all my secrets! That would ruin the intrigue! But it is exciting and curious, isn't it? Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

  11. What a peculiar boy she's managed to stumble across.
    Love the description of the eyes, reminds me of one of my MCs (his are amber, like the gem), but it's the tattoo/not-tattoo that gets me though, very interesting.

    1. I know, right? It's like he holds things that are tattooed on his hands. It's really very different.
      Thanks for stopping by. I loved your entry, by the way:)

  12. Replies
    1. Thank you Rachel. I'm so glad you stopped by and read my interview. Thanks!

  13. Nicely done, Ink!
    I like all of the bits that hint at something more, such as the eye color!

  14. Ooh, intriguing interview. Love the mood ring eyes.

  15. Yea, when Ashton told me about his eyes I thought he was just kidding around, but nope, his eyes really are mood rings!
    Thank you for coming over and visiting and taking the time to read my interview:)

  16. Shae is enchanting! and talk about reading someone by their eyes! that guy cant hide anything unless he wears sunglasses! love it!

    1. Thanks, Tara. Shae is a very quiet person and such a lady. But her quietness can be biting. She demands treatments of ladylikeness.

  17. Oooh, Ashton's eyes sound really cool.

  18. Fun interview to read. You kept me entertained from the start.

    I'm a new follower. I'm looking forward to following your blog! :)

  19. Hi Emily! Thanks for joining my blog! I'm so glad! I hope to add to my interview soon:)

  20. That's too cool about the mood ring eyes! I would love to see something like that :D Great interview!!!


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