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Celebrate AND A to Z

It Friday, again, and there's so much going on in my life I think my head is spinning!

Okay, let's start with Celebrate the small things blog hop. Thanks to Vikki!

What am I happy about? That's easy!

1. My daughter's birthday is today. She's 17 and ready to face the world with her beuaty, charm and grace. Happy Birthday, my little tootsie wootsie:)

2. I get to visit my oldest daughter this weekend, who is expecting my first grand DAUGHTER:) Woot!!

Have a happy Friday celebration, beautiful guys and dolls:)

A to Z Challenge


The dictionary defines the word excellence as the quality of being outstanding or extremely good.

This is the type of character trait I want to teach my kids. Extremely good. Not goody two shoes, mind you, just seeking the best and trying their best. To be excellent in speech and conduct. To be an outstanding person. That's what I want to teach my kids. That's what I strive to be myself:)

Happy Friday everyone! I will post my Pixar Challenge tonight, okay? I know. I said that yesterday. But I will do it tonight!


  1. My daughter will be 17 in two weeks! So bittersweet. Congrats on the grand-baby!

    Jana @ A Novel Reality

    1. It's almost scary to admit. She's getting older and that means I am too:)

  2. Happy birthday to your daughter, and I hope you have a fantastic visit with your oldest :)

    ~ Cori Vidae ~

  3. Awesome celebrations!
    Happy birthday to your daughter.
    And congratulations to you and your older daughter ;)

    1. Miao excited! I knew she would have a girl but no one believed me:)

  4. Enjoy those precious moments with your daughters! Milestone moments.

    1. U love every moment I have with them. They grow up way too fast:(

  5. Great Milestone moments :) Birthday wishes to your daughter.

  6. I like the idea of excellence being trying your best - it isn't always about results.

    Good luck with the rest of the challenge.

  7. Happy birthday to your daughter and I hope you enjoy your visit with your oldest. I just saw my comedy blog Laughing at Life 2 on that list up there so I think I have been dropping a ball by forgetting to celebrate the small things. I have been struggling with A to Z and I guess I didn't realize... Uh-oh.
    Shawn at Reading Practice

  8. Congratulations on the birthday and the granddaughter! :)

  9. Happy Birthday to your daughter!

  10. Happy Birthday to your daughter and congratulations on the upcoming birth of a grandchild and on having a wonderful goal for your children!

  11. Yay!! I didn't realize you were doing the A to Z blog hop too!!! E is for excellence! :) Aww... congratulations on the first grandchild! Have a wonderful EXCELLENT weekend! :)


  12. Happy birthday to your daughter. Excellence indeed in all things!

  13. Happy birthday to your daughter! And congrats on your 1st grandchild. Definitely an exiciting/excellent week!

  14. Great Small Things Post. I haven't been able to do one for a couple of weeks, but next week I'm back! Love this hop.

  15. Hope you enjoyed the birthday! New follower here. I'm stopping by from the "A to Z" challenge and I look forward to visiting again.


  16. Congrats on that grandchild. Excellence is something I've always encouraged my children to strive for.

  17. As some of my characters say, a dragon must light the birthday cakes' candles so that one's good wishes could become true...;) Yet, a greeting card of mine will save your daughter the trouble to look for such a dangerous creature, (see my card at my posts about best birthdays :). HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Best wishes! Let the wonderful noise of the sea always sounds in her ears! (as my water dragons' hunters would say - my Tale Of The Rock Pieces). Nice blog! Will be glad to follow you and post a suggestion of mine: using of sites like, cafepress. com, fiverr? They could be a good way to show your works/blog, etc and to help "remove" stupidity in the streets like headlines on t-shirts, fridge-magnets, cups, etc: My Boyfriend kisses Better Than Yours, FBI - female body inspector, etc. Not everything we see and think of should be about sex, right? It would be much better if there were more nice pictures (even of mythical creatures), good thoughts, poems (from any genre are welcome I guess), etc? I'm allanbard there, I use some of my illustrations, thoughts, poems from my books (like: One can fight money only with money, Even in the hottest fire there's a bit of water, All the problems in the world lead to one - narrow-minded people, or
    Let's watch the moon, let's meet the sun!
    Let's hear soon the way the Deed was done!
    Let's listen to the music the shiny crystals played,
    let's welcome crowds of creatures good and great...
    etc). I guess such lines sound and look much better than the usual we see every day? Best wishes! Let the wonderful noise of the sea always sounds in your ears! (a greeting of the water dragons' hunters - my Tale Of The Rock Pieces).

  18. Wonderful things to celebrate! Congrats on your grandchild. :)

    Just stopping by from the A-Z. I hope you are having a wonderful weekend!


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