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Showing posts from November, 2013

Pitchwars Picture

It's an inside joke, but next time, I promise to: Look before I leap. Use an umbrella to soften the fall. Avoid all bridge jumpers. Are you doing #PitchWars? Thank you, FreeDigitalPhotos and By arztsamui PS. Anyone know how to post pictures on Twitter? I'm available for lessons:) Thank you beautiful guys and dolls!!

Celebration Time. Again. the Small Things Blog Hop

Hey beautiful guys and dolls! It's that time of week again, isn't:) I'm celebrating my family this week. I'm so thankful for my husband. It will soon be 25 years that we've been married and I love him more today than the day we married. I'm thankful for my children. They are the joy of my life and the reason I smile so much. I have SIX kiddo's and everyone of them are special. I can't wait for Christmas when we'll all be together to celebrate! I'm thankful for my grand baby. She's the apple of my eye. She's my apple dumpling. My sweetheart. My baby. Her personality grows in leaps and bounds and I'm so excited to watch her grow. I'm thankful for my parents, who have loved me and nurtured me through everything from sickness, to difficult times, to happy memories. I love you mom and dad. You are both my hero's. I love you.  What are you thankful for this week? Comment below!

Celebrate the Small Things Blog Hop

Hey everyone. I'm celebrating life this week. I'm celebrating falling behind. I'm celebrating mistakes that make me stronger. I'm celebrating  news that I thought would be THE ANNOUNCEMENT but turned out to be not so. Hey! At least I"m not complaining. Have a great weekend, beautiful guys and dolls. Thank Vikki!

Tinted Ink Tuesday: NaNo Tip 2

How's everyone doing with their NaNo project so far? I know, it's early in the race. You may be rolling along at high speed, not a bump in the road. If so Kudos to you! Keep at it and before long, you'll have a shiny new WIP ready to edit and revise:) Sometimes, even when things are going well and your writing is flowing from pen to paper, reading a good writing tip is just like icing on the cake. Today, I give you ICING! By Marcus     Characters are the heart of any story. While plot may keep the pages turning and the atmosphere electric, it's the characters who bring the story to life. Readers want to get tangled in their heartbreak, their joys, their mistakes, their problems, their WORLD. We access a book and it's story by the characters we love. We relate to them. We love them. We hate them. We love to hate them. We identify with the feelings of the characters and that's why, when we finish a book, we sigh, and move it it to t...

NaNo Tip One

Here's a quick tip to get your thoughts flowing on the very first page: Curiosity killed the cat. Am I right? You know I am. What I mean is this: Stay away from back story on the first page. It's boring. It's slow. It's unproductive. And there are many other reasons I could list. As a literary agent intern, this is something I read A LOT on first pages. But, it's something that should not be there! I want to be in the here and now. This isn't to say I want dropped right in the middle of action. This confuses me. I want to know what's going right now, at the very moment the MC is experiencing. No explanations, or why's or how comes. Just show the present. There's plenty of time for explanation later. See, if you write subtle hints and drop enticing clues as to what happens next, the reader will be turning the page to find out. Peak the reader's curiosity to find out why, or what, or who, and you've done a fabulous job on the f...

Celebrate The Small Things Blog Hop

I'm celebrating the happy return of regularly scheduled blogging! I've missed my blog, and the blogs I follow, but this summer was just too busy. Not to mention the traveling, no Internet, the Internet, the wedding preparations, no Internet. Wait. Does anyone else hear an echo? ( echo , echo , echo ...) To kick off my happy return to blog world, I'll be posting daily tips and writing prompts for... DRUM ROLL PLEASE... NaNoWriMo!!  (waits for applause to die down...) First post goes live this evening. Y'all come back now, ya hear? Happy Friday, beautiful guys and dolls!! What are you celebrating today?